Forty One - Willa

Start from the beginning


He was close as I felt him cast his senses out in search of me.

"You cannot say anything about this to no one, Seth." His brows pinched. "Especially not Sylar."

"You will not discuss this with your mate?" Seth didn't like that idea.

His words gave pause to hesitation, but this was no one's decision but my own. "No. No one can know."

He sighed.

"Take me to the Elders."

~ ~

I returned to the Pack house many hours later. The visit to the Elders to seek their counsel had been fruitful. My request surprised both Ester and Olive, but they agreed to do what I asked and guided me to the Soul Path to start my journey.

The Soul Path had been spoken of many times over the years, but nothing could prepare me for the reality. Unlike the dream planes. Everything here manifested with each step along the path and I was shocked to look down to see myself bare footed with water lapping at my feet.  I'd always wanted to see the ocean and as I took more steps, the ocean was what I I imagined it to be.  Peaceful, beautiful.

Luna sensed my presence and appeared before me. Her ethereal beauty didn't surprise me. We spoke without words at length as she walked beside me, listening. Upon offering myself under my terms of her help. She made a counter offer to mine. It was by far ideal, but was it any worse that offering myself?

She agreed to give me a mere few hours to decide, and if my answer was yes, I had to follow through. Time was of the essence.

Stopping at the doorway, I peeked down, running my hand across my stomach. The strange stirrings left me feeling somewhat relieved and guilty.

Returning to the Elders with Luna's offer, I'd already made my decision not to tell Sylar. Yes, it was wrong. But as my father always told me. It was easier to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.

Only one problem. My mate had the gift of reading my thoughts and emotions, although he had promised never to do this without my permission.

The Elders made quick work of an enchantment to ensure he wouldn't be able to read my mind. They erected a glamour over my mind to shield my thoughts from him—as a precaution.

Reaching for the handle, I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and, with a heavy weight on my shoulders, I headed inside. I found Sylar sat in the common room with his family, my brother, Orion and a few other pack members, who watched them with fascination. We weren't used to visitors and those from the modern world were outspoken, friendly and amusing. The one named Hunter reminded me of Pearl in some ways. He spoke honestly and unashamedly from the heart.

I looked around for Pearl. It was no surprise to find her missing.

Sylar's smile lit up the room when he saw me, quickly pushing up from his chair, heading straight for me. I met him halfway, raising to my toes, pressing my lips to his.

His soft lips electrified my entire body. Goosebumps sailed down my arms. I would never get enough of kissing him.

"Get a room," my brother called out, followed by amused chuckles.

"Missed you, I looked for you." Sylar pressed his forehead to mine. Our lips remained a fraction apart as he rested his hands on my waist.

"Miss you too."

He pulled back, his eyes studying me. "You look a little flushed. Are you feeling well? You're not ill or anything?" He moved his hand, placing it on my forehead.

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