My conscience, it was killing me. Knowing what Devon has done, what I've been helping him do, its eating me alive. Seducing and Stealing from Mason was one thing, but to kill people? That was never apart of the plan and I didn't sign up for any of this .

I had to get this guilt off of my chest the best way I knew how. The cameras Devon had me set up in Masons home had evidence that would clear his name, so I used it. I didn't care that I threw Cisco under the bus, he bit the hand that fed him the minute he turned on Mason and started working with my cousin.

Devon was troubled growing up. Always wanting the things other people had. Being jealous and stealing shit from people. As a kid everyone brushed it off, they said it was a phase. But it wasn't. He was sick in the head and needed help. He had turned into a complete psycho path and I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him.

I sat behind the prosecutor's table, still playing my role. As much I was on Masons side, I couldn't show it. I cheered for him on the inside. I wanted him to win, he needed to win. He has to.

Mr Fletcher went in on Masons ass. Even I thought he was guilty for second. Devon gave Mr Fletcher all sorts of false stories and fake evidence to paint him out to be the bad guy. However once he was done and it was Ms Bakers time to give her closing argument, a short guy came in and gave her exactly what she needed. The flash drive with the video that I left on the counter at their law firm. I couldn't go to her directly and give it to her, that would incriminate me also.

They proceeded to play the video, everyone was on edge besides me. I already knew what was going to happen. Cisco could be seen sneaking Masons gun back into his safe. He looked at me with the scariest eyes and I played dumb as hell. I shrugged and mouthed to him 'How did they get that?' And he tried to get up to run out of there. However he wasn't fast enough. Ms Baker had summoned him to swear under oath and testify. There was no way out of this for him. I knew he would snitch on Devon, but he had nothing on me. I was never physically present during meetings between those two. He didn't even know how I looked until today when I introduced myself.

I knew that all I needed was to get Cisco to talk and thats what I was about to do.

                           12 Hours Earlier
                                Cory's POV
                                  At Prom

Dayna was super pissed and upset with me. She knew I had feelings for her, but she also knew that I stilled loved Jess. I didn't want to choose between the two because I knew Jess would never choose me anymore. Meaning I wouldn't have any other choice but to choose Dayna and that wouldn't be fair to put her last because someone else couldn't put me first.


"Leave me alone Cory.."

"You knew what this was before we started hanging out"

"Oh really ? Tell me. Please tell me, because you just kissed me like an hour ago and said you didn't have feelings for her but your actions are showing me different"


"Fuck off Cory, you're just like Ryan"

"Okay I love my brother with every bone in me, but dont compare us. I dont cheat on girls and make babies and get STD's"

"Babies ? Who has a baby?" Chelsea came over to where we sat.

"Nobody.... Nothing. Umm Wheres Jessica ?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Who the fuck has a baby Cory ?" She proceeded to ask again.

"Listen to me, you came midway into our conversation, you have no idea who or what we were talking about so please stop interrogating me. Dayna and I are having a conversation"

"So yall two fucking now?"

"What?" Dayna said with enough attitude to start World War II.

"I asked are yall fucking? I mean for somebody whose suppose to be Jess's friend, you're mighty close with her ex boyfriend. Hmm I'm starting to itch. That happens a lot when I'm around snakes. I better go inside before my skin breaks into hives" She said scratching her arms walking off.

"Wow... some friends I have"


"Cory quit it. Whatever we have or had Is done. I like you, I really do, but I cant get my heart broken. I know that's exactly what you're going to do and I don't want that"

"Im not going to hurt you. Jess and I are done. Do I still have feelings for her ? Yeah a little, but they will go away, I'm not ready to commit to you while I'm still dealing with my personal shit. But I want you, I know I do and you deserve all of me, the best of me, not bits and pieces of me. I'm not going to ask you to but If you're willing to just give me some time, thats all Im asking for. Some Time"

She stayed quiet before smiling and shaking her head.

"I'll wait, I dont want to rush what we have, I love being your friend, you've become my bestfriend and I like that"

"And you like me" I said

"Shut up Cory" she playful slapped my arm and I knew in this moment we would be okay.

Somebody To Die For (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now