"Well done! What a show! Is nobody else going to give it a shot?" Kirishima took the slightest step forward.

"Hinami... Please I- Whatever is going on can be fixed. Whatever is making you feel like you need to do this... We can help you! What about your parents? What will Present Mic say?" At the mention of her dad's name, Hinami looked up, a slight look of near-recognition on her face. Shigaraki nudged Kyo then called to her.

"Come along. There's a lot to do." She nodded obediently and started walking towards the pair.

As she neared, a sudden force barreled into her from behind, knocking all of the air from her lungs. A yell escaped her mouth as she tumbled to the ground. Bakugo sat on top of her, pinning her arms to the floor. There was a swollen gash on his cheek and he looked furious.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He screamed in her face. She didn't even flinch. Instead, she kicked her legs up and used the momentum to sit up then push Bakugo to the floor.

"We don't have time to play around anymore, unfortunately. Knock him out then come here." Shigaraki said firmly. She looked at him, nodded, then looked back at the blonde beneath her. Her hand slid into the top of his hair and grabbed a clump, lifting his head slightly. It was soft and somewhat familiar to her.

"Katsuki?" She whispered.


"I'm sorry, I can't-" She squeezed her eyes tightly and shook her head. "Don't... want..."

"I'll help you. What's going on, I promise I-"

"No time. Close your eyes." After a sorrowful look, he closed his eyes. She let go of his head, set it gently on the floor, then punched the ground beside him. He winced as he heard the crack of the impact. After a few brief moments, she got up and walked over to the portal, shaking out her injured fingers. Shigaraki wrapped his arm around her waist with a wide grin.

"Good girl. Tell All Might that I said hi!" And with that final statement, he pushed Kyo through the portal and whisked Hinami away.

Just as she was about to disappear, Aizawa groggily opened his eyes. They widened when he saw what was happening.

"Hinami!" He shouted, willing himself to get up, wanting to grab her and pull her out of that monster's arms and back to safety. But his numb body refused to respond. She looked over at him, a pained look on her face.


And she was gone.

As soon as the portal disappeared, a general hubbub broke out among the students. People rushed over to each unconscious classmate, checking them for any serious injuries, helping the waking ones to their feet. Aizawa sat up slowly, not taking his eyes off of where his daughter just was.

Maybe if he looked hard enough, she'd come back.

"Aizawa... What should we do? Kerro."

"Asui and Tokoyami, both go and get Present Mic and All Might. Check 2-B and the lounge." He responded in a very slow, far-away voice. They nodded and went to find the two other teachers. Midoriya and Kaminari were the first two to fully wake up. Midoriya went straight over to Todoroki as soon as he could move. By the time Asui and Tokoyami returned, Mic and All Might sprinting alongside them, only Uraraka and Todoroki were still unconscious.

"Shou!" Mic threw himself on the floor next to his husband and engulfed him in a hug, not really caring about the students.

"What happened here? Are you all okay?" The number one hero looked around at the anarchy. Half of his students appeared to be injured, two were on the ground, and Bakugo was pacing angrily.

"Hinami attacked us." Sato replied unsurely. "The leader of the League of Villains and two other guys were here. She went in the portal-"

"She didn't!" Bakugo cut him off. "She was kidnapped!"

"Kacchan, she went with him."

"No she fucking didn't so shut your fucking mouth you shitty nerd, you don't know anything!"

"Calm down, young Bakugo. Somebody tell the story from the beginning." Yaoyorozu told the story of what happened.

"She didn't punch me!" Bakugo insisted. "She whispered my name and said she didn't want to and- She punched the ground! I'm telling you shit heads, she was kidnapped! That wasn't her! You extras know that Hinami wouldn't do that to anyone!"

"She knows the leader of the League of Villains..." Kaminari trailed off, rubbing his sore neck.

"Yeah, they had this weird friendship but she didn't know. He said it himself! It was that-"

"What?" Mic yelled. "She was friends with him?"

"Well, kind of, but that's not-"

"What do you mean, kind of?" He started freaking out. Hinami had asked about Shigaraki before, had known about him. Was this why?

"Shut the fuck up and let me finish!" Everyone went silent and looked at him. He was seething with rage. "She only spoke to him to get information. Even that crusty looking bitch said that she didn't know that he was the leader. You could see how pissed she was. Then suddenly she blanked. She would never do anything to hurt you idiots because she likes you all for some reason. That dark haired extra did something to her, I know it. Aizawa saw it too!" Everyone's heads swivelled to look at their teacher, who was still sitting on the floor, staring at the wall.

"She called back to me..."

"Why don't we all get back inside. Anyone who has injuries can go to Recovery Girl. I'm sure that there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for Hinami's actions. I'd like to think that I know my niece well enough to say that this sounds odd. Come along, class." Everyone silently trailed into the building. Aizawa made no attempt to move.

"She was there. She called to me. I-" Mic pulled him into his chest and gently hushed him.

"We'll figure it out." But a terrible feeling churned his stomach like a stormy ocean.


My bestie didn't like the cliff hanger so I posted this to hurt him lol. So basically, because I want him to suffer, y'all get a surprise chapter!

The interaction was something like

Him: I want the next chapter you can't leave it there!

Me: Do you seriously think the next chapter will make things better?

Him: WAIT-

The Other Side - Katsuki Bakugou x OCWhere stories live. Discover now