Day 29. The final countdown...

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Peter D's pov
Very early this morning Mom got a call from uncle Nick saying that the Avengers are going on a mission and that they need all hands on deck so after quite a bit of begging her, cause I can handle space what could Earth have that my magic, Tesseract and Spider powers can't handle, and a promise that I'll stay near either Mom, Mister~so Dad or uncle Thor, my parents agreed I may join them on the mission.

And this is so exciting!

Wanda, Pietro and I all have a valid reason to not go to school today! How cool is that?

I was really not in the mood to have to deal with mr Sure or any other annoying mortal at that stupid place today.

Wait did I just say that?

Oh well...

Much more importantly though, I'll be with Wanda so I can finally tell her what I failed to tell her about yesterday.

Author's pov
The Avengers got together at a Quinjet, Pete, Wanda and Pietro talking excitedly about what is going to happen.

None noticed the sceptical looks given in Pete's direction.

Tony's pov
I really like Bambino, he is smart, caring and respectful but I don't know if it's the smartest idea to bring him along. What fighting experience does he really have? And his powers, I don't know, it's still so unpredicatable but the fact of the matter stays, he is a kid. He can easily be manipulated for an enemy's benefit, and what with the lack of knowledge we havr on the terrain of today's mission...

I just don't know.

So while Peter is distracted talking to Pietro and Wanda I need to voice my concern to the others and see what they think.

Guys, do you really think bringing Pete along to this mission is smart? We have never trained with him, does he even know how to fight?

Nat and Clint share a look.

"Well the baby spider has been fighting for quite some time, so he'll probably be able to defend himself from any danger that may come," Nat answers.

"I don't know Nat, the only reason I'm allowing the twins to come is on the fact that they pointed out, that maybe we need a fast escape so Pietro could speed us away, and I obviously can't allow the one to come and the other should stay. So the deal is they have to stay near me. But Pete he's even younger then them, should we really risk it?" Clint asks and everyone falls into an akward silence.

Danvers, Mister he no doubt likes you two the best, and seems to spend time with you two. What do you think?

"What? I wasn't paying attention, what do I think of what and who likes us the best?" Danvers asks and Mister nods along.

Is it smart to bring Pete?

Danvers smiles and says, "Well I wouldn't let him anywhere near here if he couldn't handle it," Mister and Thor nods to that and I sigh.

Look, you obviously have a soft spot for the kid but look at it logically. He has no training, his only powers is enhanced senses and strengh as well as that sixth sense. You have been to space, but to us and him this mission is going into unknown territory, wouldn't he just be a liability?

Danvers is about to respond and I can see it would have been a frustrated response but Cap cuts her off by saying, "Stark, lack of training, or powers have never gotten in our way, how can we help a child learn if we don't allow him to get experience?"

Danvers then says, "Look Tony, I'm sure this is just your way to try and protect him, but don't ever call a member of your team a liability."

"A team is only as strong as it's weakest link," Sam points out and I nod.

See even the bird gets it.

Sam just shoots an annoyed look my way.

"Ok, but as you earlier mentioned, I know space so trust me when I say, Peter will be fine, he will probably handle it even better then you as I've taken him to space on numerous occasions," Danvers says.

"I agree," Mister, wow he can speak? Says and I blink.

"If you bunch could stop your bickering, Pete is comming, we're already deep into space and I'm not turning this thing around just to put him back and effectively say, hey little boy who has quite a bit of self esteem issues we, the people who care about you, are just going to not trust you enough to bring you along on today's mission. Which you are already flying too, cause that will go great," Fury says sarcastically.

"I believe you are only not placing him back because Carol is against it," Vision points out.

And it dawns on me, awww Eyepatch you have a crush.

Pete, who just joined the conversation, Danvers and Fury bursts out laughing and through amused tears, Eyepatch says, "You do know Carol and I are siblings right?"


Author's pov
Pete smirked, being the only one other than the siblings to understand that reference to, "this is Fury, he is like my kind of brother."

Thor and Loki knew Carol had siblings but it came to them as quite a shock to realize Fury was one of them.

And Tony, well Tony...

"How the? How is that even..." he left the question open and Carol smirked.

"Surely you understand how siblings work?" she notes, completely leaving out the fact that they are self proclaimed siblings as a form of revenge for Tony calling her son a liability.

Pete giggled and Tony sighed as they continued on to where they were going. All thoughts of returning Pete to Earth long gone as they all stared at the stars around them in wonder....

While except Carol, Loki, Thor and Pete, who were all bored.

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