Week 4 Day 7 first date p3

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An: yay! Part 100 :)

Peter P's pov
Wanda, welcome to...

Paris, France.

Wanda smiles in amazement as we stare at the Eiffel tower. The jet is in stealth mode so no one can see us as I guide her out of the jet to the highest point of the Eiffel Tower.

I had earlier, sling ringed here in order to set everything up, we are so high that not even the elevator will reach us and we have a clear view of everything.

There are chocolate dipped strawberries as well as milkshakes. There is also cookies and a large chocolate cake in the middle. There are small triangle sandwiches containing lettuce, tomato, cheese, ham and cucumber.

"Wow Pete this, this is amazing," Wanda says in awe so I smile at her and lead my love to a massive picnic blanket.

We sit down and Wanda immediately reaches for the chocolate covered strawberries.

"So how about you, we talked about what's going on in my life, what about yours?" Wanda asks and I realize I have the perfect opportunity to tell her, everything.

Wanda, there's...

"Hey! You two! How did you get up there? You're lucky I don't arrest you," a annoyed looking police man flying in a helicopter says and I sigh and whisper into Wanda's ear.

Play along.

She giggles but nods so I stare at the officer pretending to be a scared kid.

Mr officer sir. How did we get up here? Last I checked I went to bed in my room in Queens and woke up on the Eiffel Tower with this girl and all these food.

"Yeah! Mister. How did we get here? And can you please help, I'm scared of heights," Wanda says with fake tears in her eyes.

The officer's facial expression softens and he says, "I have no idea how you two children got up there but I shall help."

"Thank you sir! You're our hero," Wanda and I say together and he smiles proudly as he gets a rope helping us into the helicopter and landing it on the ground.

Thanks so much!

"Yeah, thank you," Wanda says and the officer nods flying off.

Did he really just fall for that?

Wanda bursts out laughing and I role my eyes.

Let's go to a restaurant here.

"Sure! That's sound awesome," Wanda says and I follow her to a random restaurant.

We order milkshakes with a burger and lots of fries. Because it's fries.

Wanda looks at me and says, "Guess who I am," as she takes a fry and points it over two fries making a bow and arrow like shape screaming, "I never miss!"

I burst out laughing.

Mr Barton! Is that you? Did you follow us to France?

Wanda giggles and I take my plate, holding it into the air.

My turn. Your only clue: language!

Wanda laughs like a maniac and answers, "Hey Cap!"

Wanda gets an evil smirk on her face and says, "This one you won't possibly get as even I don't know much other than his name and who his brother is."

I turn curious as she takes two fries and places them on her head saying, "Kneel."

I can't contain my laughter. Here Wanda is not only unknowingly giving me the perfect opportunity to tell her but she is also mimicing my Dad without even realizing it.

That's Prins Loki of Asgard.

Wanda gets an impressed look on her face.

And speaking of Loki, there's something...

Before I can continue my Spideysenses warn me that our waiter is about to trip over her feet so I move forward and shield Wanda from getting her hair filled with our milkshakes, effectively having milkshake all over myself now.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. It was a total accident, I'm still learning, please don't get angry, please," the waitress whom I guess to be about 17 says in panic so I smile at her.

It's alright, I'm not mad, if I had a dime for every time I tripped over my own feet, I'd live in a palace...

Could you maybe point me to a bathroom?

The girl let's out a relieved sigh and points to a door so I smile at her and tell Wanda that I'll be right back.

While walking though I ponder my previous sentence,"if I had a dime for every time I tripped over my own feet, I'd live in a palace..."

Even my Spideysenses don't always save me from my clumsiness as for the living in a palace bit... Ha! I guess I've tripped enough times.

After cleaning myself up, I notice most of the fries are finished as well as two milkshakes and Wanda gives me a sheepish look so I smile.

I love this girl.

Quickly I finish my burger and pay for our meals before taking Wanda to an ice rink.

She apperently has never been to one and has no idea how to skate so I gently take her hand and explain the basics as we skate along, Wanda leaning on me for support.

I notice she is getting cold so I take off my jacket and wrap it around her.

"No, don't do that, I already have a jacket you'll freeze," Wanda exclaims and I smile as she doesn't know of my frost giant herritage.

This is however the perfect time to tell he-

Before I can continue with my thought, my Spideysenses go off and I sigh before gently shoving Wanda to the one side so that she's out of the way from any harm that may come from the seven year old that is about to come crashing into me.

When the child crashes her eyes water but I can tell it's from the guilt as I made sure to be the one taking any damage from our crash as she's just a child.

The little girl wraps her arms around me and says, "I'm so sorry. Please don't be hurt. I'm so sorry," repeatedly into my chest still none stop crying.

So I smile at her.

It's ok, I'm not hurt.

"Really?" The girl asks sadly and I nod, promise.

"Ok!" She screams and runs to her mom as I turn back to Wanda who is wearing a soft smile.

"Always the hero," she says and I take her hand leading her off the ice.

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