Week 4 Day 4 sick spider p4

179 9 3

Petyr D's pov
When Mom hands me the soup she and Dad had made, I eat it quickly and realize I am still hungry but I decide against telling Mom and Dad this, since they already did so much for me today.

"Barn, I'll go get you a second bowl of soup," Dad says and I stare at him in awe.


"You have been staring at that bowl for five minutes almost wishing it to magically refill itself," Dad explains and I laugh.

"I guess I have..."

Dad proceeds to bring me four more bowls, which I all finish earning me concerned looks from both Mom and Dad.

"Not so seem rude but why are you two staring at me like that?"

"Sweetheart, you've never eaten this much, and you seem to still be hungry, do you not eat until you're full at mealtimes?" Mom asks.

"I guess not, I am not really used to eating a lot but it's gotten much better."

"Perhaps the illness is in that way a good thing, it requires your full strength to fight it and you can only gain this strength by eating until you are completely full," Dad explains as he hands me more soup which I also finish.

"May we watch a movie together?"

"How do you plan to do that, Kiddo, Asgard does not have TVs," Mom teasingly says and I giggle.

"We can watch on my tablet."

"Sure," Mom and Dad says simultaneously, and I smile and summon my tablet, just going into the first movie I see on my recommendations called Kong: Skull Island. Mom, Dad, and I go lay down on the bed and watch the movie.

Time skip: after the movie


"Do you two have something to tell me?"

"That is not us, Petyr," Dad responds and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, like DB Cooper wasn't you either, Dad and that actress from unicorn store, not you Mom. I bet this is how you two met."

"Peter this movie came out four years ago," Mom points out.

"Fair enough, so this was just one of your dates."

"Little one, until I met you the last time I saw your mother was 15 years ago," Dad says and I stare at him in disbelief.

"Sure, if that's what you need to tell yourself."

Mom and Dad both tilt their heads in confusion because of this, so I just shrug and google the cast list of the movie finding that it's played by Tom Hiddleston and Brie Larson.

"So if this isn't you, I could definitely find these two actors somewhere on Midgard." Mom and Dad both nod.


"I still don't believe you though."

"Well then there is nothing we can say to make you believe us Petyr," Dad says and I nod.

"Precisely, because I am right."

Shaking their heads fondly, Mom and Dad smile at me.

"Uhm, may I go out for just a bit. I've been cooped up in here for hours and haven't shown any symptoms for hours."

Mom and Dad share a look and then proceed to test my temperature, it's normal, my Spideysenses, also normal, control over my powers, magic, Tesseract, and Frost giant, are all normal.

"Ok Pete, three hours, and you must send a text saying you're fine every hour but after those three you come back. Oh and here's your phone back," Mom says and I smile at her.

"Thank you!"

Running out of the room I grab my project and head to Midgard whilst I text ms Hope.

Text line between Hope and Pete

P: Hi, Ms. Hope, it's Peter may I come over to ask your opinion on something?

H: Of course mini genius. Our address is xxxxx

P: Thanks, Ms. Hope! See you soon :)

H: (:

Outside of the textline

Quickly I sling ring to near the address Ms. Hope gave me and just walk the rest of the way.

When I reach the address ms Hope sent me I politely knock on the door and Mr Lang opens it smiling.

"Ahh, my bug bro!" Mr. Lang says excitedly and I laugh.

"Mr. Lang spiders are arachnids."

"Huh?" Mr. Lang asks questioningly and Ms. Hope, who just came into view simply motions a 'just go with it' so I nod and follow her and Mr. Lang, who is still questioning the whole "what do you mean spiders aren't bugs" thing, inside.

"What can we do for you mini genius," Ms. Hope asks and I smile and take out my project.

"Ahhh it's a----," Ms. Hope comments, and I place my hand gently over her mouth.

"Don't spoil it for the readers, Ms. Hope."

"What?" She asks confused and I giggle.

"I am allowed to have help with the projects for my fair and really all I want to know is whether you believe I should add in (_insert smart science thing_) to make it function better?"

Ms. Hope seems to get lost in thought and starts to mutter under her breath.

"Yes, I do believe that could work but you'll need to reverse the insert power to not cause it to explode," Ms. Hope answers and I nod.

"Wouldn't that just cause an internal explosion though?"

"Not if you add an extra source of power that's directly going towards the reversing power creating a controlled explosion," ms Hope tells me after a few minutes of thinking.

"That's genius, thanks, ma'am!"

"No problem mini genius, now come along there is no way I am letting you leave without putting food in your stomach. I know how teens can forget to eat when they're doing things they love," ms Hope tells me so I smile and follow her to the kitchen.

"Wait. What?" Mr. Lang who had until now just stared at my project screams.

"What's wrong, Mr. Lang?"

"Is that? Is that what I think it is?" He asks in awe and I giggle.

"You'll have to excuse Scott he's not the brightest light in the system but he's our group's loveable idiot," ms Hope tells me and I smile.

Now that I think of it every group has a loveable idiot in it...


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