Week 4 Day 5 SCIENCE FAIR!!! p3

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Peter P's pov
"Students, if you would head down to the main hall it's time for the prize-giving ceremony," the host announces over the speakers, and Princess Shuri and I head to the hall followed by hundreds of students all curious about the outcome of today's event.

After a few thank you speeches, the first category, social science, prizes are announced. I take note of the sheer number of contestants in said category and smile.

Turns out the ss-winner was none other than that boy that came to speak to me earlier.

Botany, to my absolute excitement,'s winner is the girl who enhances the speed of plant growth. I'm really happy for her.

Hydrology's winner tested different types of water's effect on an animal's behavior, I really don't know how it makes sense but apparently, her dog likes saltwater as it calms him??? Like how?

Those were the only winners that really stood out to me, as I was getting more and more nervous for the final category, electro-physics. Mine and Princess Shuri's category.

I hope either of us wins, that would be so cool...

"And lastly, Electro-physics, in third place Catrin Mile, in second place Ethan Rest and in first place..." the host stops to add suspense and then continues with, "First place this year has a tie between Princess Shuri and Peter Parker, let's all give them a hand of applause!"

Shuri and I smile and go collect our trophies after which we go and sit down again.

"We won!"

"Are you surprised by this?" Princess Shuri asks and I nod.

"This is just so cool."

Laughing, Princess Shuri shakes her head in amusement as she and I listen to the last few announcements before leaving to pack up our projects.

"So are you coming to the after-party?" Princess asks and I nod.


"Yep! It can be a fun way to end the week to see how these science teens party," Princess Shuri responds and I laugh following her to where the boy I met earlier told me to meet him.

"So everyone set?" He asks and the Princess, several other people, whom I notice, strange as it is, were all category winners, I guess this kid could tell who would win, and I nod as we follow this boy to the beach.

This should be fun.

Carol's pov
I've been feeling better by the minute so instead of driving myself nuts, staying in the one room, I move to the lounge to look through the family album. A wave of nostalgia washes over me, and I'm convinced I have truly lost it as these photos were taken of events mere days ago.

Loki joins me and since we have a moment, we decide we should continue with the thing that he and I have been planning. The day it will be happening is drawing near and there are still quite a few preparations that need to be made.

Needless to say Loki and I still have a lot to do before the day actually comes...

Peter P's pov
There is a house by the beach that the boy, whose name I learned is Mike Smith, 's parents own and we decided to go chill there. It's a massive home, not Tony Stark massive because duh but it's still really big.

Mike takes the lead and orders some pizza for everyone while he gets some random person to go get out the drinks, I hope they bring grape juice, it's my favourite type of juice!

When everything is set, ten minutes later, the party officially begins, all us boys and some girls, not Princess though, she's dancing, play some sort of ping pong game where you attempt to bounce a little ping pong ball into apple juice, I end up drinking so many cups of apple juice, it's not even funny. But, hey fast metabolism has its perks. After this, Shuri and I quote several memes and end up exchanging numbers, we all watch a science-based movie, each of us getting annoyed at the incorrect scientific facts in said movie.

With the movie, Mike offers me some strange flavoured sparkly water so I gladly take some, as I'm pretty thirsty.

After a while, we decide to play never have I ever.

Strangely enough, I notice everyone is acting differently than they had earlier but who am I to judge, I'm getting tired too.

Mike takes the lead and asks the first question:

"Never have I ever cheated on someone."

To my surprise everyone other than Shuri and myself has, but it could have been an accident, or even a misunderstanding, maybe they thought the person was the person they were dating? Yeah, that makes sense...

The second question, "Never have I ever gotten detention," everyone except Princess Shuri takes a glass.

The next, "Never have I ever been abused" kind of catches me off guard but myself and four others take a glass.

People are starting to act so strangely, they must really be getting tired as half of the group are just swaying and some are crying for whatever reason, it must be tiredness combined with the stress of today, I don't judge, others are singing along to the music, terribly, but hey, they're having fun so leave them be...

Some other girl takes over and asks, "Never have I ever..." she smirks and says, "Been a category winner of an International Science Fair."

We all laugh at the obvious target to get all of us to have a drink and take a mini glass of grape juice, it was really smart of them to put the grape juice into such tiny glasses as we would otherwise get full rather easily...

Well, at least other people would.

After downing mine, I notice Princess Shuri staring at her, still full glass like it's poison, so while the kids chat around, thinking of new questions I lean closer to her.

"Are you okay?"

"I don't want to drink, Peter, we're underage and even if we weren't I'd still be uncomfortable with the idea, as I don't have my family's permission."

"Wait, t-that's n-not grape juice?"

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