Week 2 Day 5 Fun p3

434 20 10

Author's pov
After SHIELD Peter D headed back to the tower and saw Carol waiting for him at the entrance. He greeted her and they went in together.

Carol's pov
I am so nervous, ok nervous isn't the right word but I truley want him to say yes, and I'm aware he is grounded but I want to take Peter to the space base, introduce him to Goose and teach him a bit about his powers so if I'm able to come up with a valid excuse for him to leave the tower, why not?



"Is your homework complete?"

"Yes, I did it all in the class again," Peter explains excitedly.

"What do you say I take you to space?"

Peter's eyes grow wide, he looks at me questioningly and asks, "This is a test right? You're trying to see whether I'd listen to Mr. Fury's list thingy and stick to my punishment or not listen because of my excitement because that sounds so cool. Like really cool. I don't want my punishment to get extended though so you win. I'll ignore my excitement."

"Peter, remember something. You may leave the tower with permission. I was testing you, if you said yes I'd scold but if you said no I'd take you to go see it."

"Mom, I can tell you're lying," Peter says through giggles and if my eyes grew bigger than my face at the title I wasn't going to admit it so instead I smile and ruffle Peter's hair.

Pete obviously didn't realize what he had said so I take victory in knowing he calls me 'Mom' in his head and instead of mentioning it I bend down to his level.

"Pete, I was lying about the test part. I'm sorry, I shouldn't teach you the habit of lying but all the rest not so much. I truly want to go teach see the Space Base as it is like an origin to me as Captain Marvel, a place that I go to if I wish to just be me."

Peter D's pov
Mom doesn't want to teach me the habit of lying...

Pfffffhhhhh she's the least amount of a liar between us, Dad is Loki so it's fair I suppose, if anything I should not teach her said habit.

This Space Base though, maybe it's like the Mind Palace Dad and I go to. Where he teaches me about my heritage and powers. Mom does seem to truly want to take me.

"Ok, if you promise I won't have my punishment extended I'd love to go see it."

Carol's pov
"You won't be in trouble Peter. That's a promise. Now go put your books in your room and meet me on my floor in five minutes."

"Ok!" Peter chirps and runs off.

Now I just need to get pass Fury.

Timeskip 1 minute


"What do you need Carol?"

"May I borrow this Peter child for an hour or so. Something about him reminds me of an old friend of mine but I need him to insure whether that's the case."

"Is he done with his schedule till this point?" Fury asks eyeing me suspiciously.

"Indeed. He said his homework is finished and he has about an hour and a bit where he is free now."

"Ok, but just this once, and you're  explaining to him when a punishment may be broken cause I'm not dealing with a confused teen," Fury says and I laugh.

"Sure will. Thanks!"

"No problem, do tell me what you find though," Fury says and I nod flying to my floor.

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