Week 3 Day 6 what a sweet kid p2

232 13 0

(4:30 pm)
Age 6

Author's pov
"Baby shark do do do do do do, Baby shark do do do do do do. Baby shark..."

That's what the royal family had been hearing since Petyr aged up earlier. He had till thus far sung it twenty times and his elders were loosing it...

Loki's pov
"Petyr! My child I don't care if you are a kindergartener I'll-"

"Baby shark do do do do," Petyr continues and I want to cry.

"Shhhhh let's play the silent game," Carol tries but Petyr seems completly uninterested instead looking at me for a second, looking at Carol, then taking her hand and singing,

"Mommy shark do do do do do do, Mommy shark do do do do do do, Mommy shark do do do do do do, Mommy shark..."

Carol can clearly not even be bothered with telling him that this is the 20 something's time he has done exactly that.

Moving on to me Petyr takes my hand and sings,

"Daddy shark do do do do do do, Daddy shark do do do do do do, Daddy shark do do do do do do, Daddy shark...."

"Petyr. Shhhhh."


"Because. Uhh, I'm in charge and I already said stop it, same with your mother..."

"Oh, ok!" Petyr screams excitedly and runs to the palace to go paint his hand.

"Auntie Hela!" Petyr calls my sister the latter smiling and responding with, "Yes nephew."

"Why isn't there an auntie or uncle shark in the song?"

"Well they probably didn't think of adding that, nephew," Hela responds as she picks Petyr up for him to make the handprints.

"Oh," was the only response from my barn and I laugh.

After painting his hand Petyr runs to go watch a play and laughs at the characters doing quote, "Silly thingies!"

"Family!" Petyr chirps and we all look at him.

I learned a new song it goes, "This is a song that doesn't end it just goes round and round my friends, some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll continue singing it forever just because this is a song that-"

Before he can continue Thor had stuffed a marshmallow into Petyr's month.

"Nephew, I have an idea what if we see whether you'll be able to do this?"

"I'm going to put this marshmallow here on the table, you may eat it now or you may wait 20 minutes and then I'll give you another."

"Ok!" Petyr screams and stares at the marshmallow.

He lasts a full five minutes before giving up and stuffing his mouth with the candy which causes all of us to laugh in amusement.

"Wait, I want to try again," Petyr says, mouth still full of the treat.

"Petyr no talking with food in your mouth," Carol says sternly

"Sorry Mommy," the child responds and Carol nods at him.

Thor then hands him another marshmellow and says, "Now you'll have to wait 30 mi-"

Before he can finish the Little one had stuffed his mouth.

"May I try again?" Petyr asks sweetly and the table falls into a shocked silence.

"Awww, aren't you just my sweet mischievous son?"

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