Week 3 Day 3 p6

312 11 0

Author's pov
"Pete-" Carol called and then stopped and eyed him suspiciously. Hela then made eyecontact with Petyr and she too stared suspiciously at him.

Poor Petyr, Thor and Loki had no idea what was going on.

Carol and Hela then proceeded to share a look, smiled and said, "It's a woman's intuition."

This confused everyone even more until Carol said, "Pete, Kiddo, Sweetheart, Darling... when were you going to tell us you have a crush?"

Hela nodded along as Carol spoke.

Loki and Thor's eyebrows where stretched so far up in the air that they appeared to be flying off their heads. And as for Petyr, he blushed furiously and avoided eye contact with everyone.

"So who is it?" Carol asked her son, the latter turning even redder.

"I uhh-I wouldn't call it a crush, I've only known her two days, Mom," he responded honestly.

"Ahhh. Sure Sweetheart. The only problem with your statement is the fact that you've known me nine days, yet you let me punish you, call me 'Mom' and have gone so far as to meet my family. You definitely are not one to know someone years before then only deciding how you feel about them."

When Loki sees his barn stutter in response he smiles but then turns serious.

"Barn, I'm assuming this girl is a Midgardian," Loki said and Petyr paled and responded with, "Dad, she's really sweet. I know she's human bu-"

Smiling Loki cut his barn off and said, "I did not mean I have a problem with you liking a mortal. I simply want to remind you of your aging. You will still be more or less this age when her lifespan is over. So if you truly like her, spend time with the girl, because 80 years is a long time for a mortal but for us. Our hair takes longer to grow from short to shoulder lengh."

"Oh, I forgot about that," Pete said sadly and Loki and Carol made eyecontact.

"Hey, just remember, Kiddo, you do have now, well not right now but you understand what I mean. Your Dad is exaggerating, have you not personally said this has been the longest three weeks ever?"

"Yeah, it was like super long!" Peter responded honestly and the adults around him laughed fondly at his antics.

"Ok Barn, now for the awkward part," Loki said and smirked as Pete paled.

"No, no, no please no," he tried and both Carol and Loki laughed.

Hela and Thor who was not in the mood to sit through a 'talk' made a run for it and Pete pouted.

Loki smiled fondly and said, "Aww don't worry Barn, I'm sure you've already sat through one of those 'talks' you wouldn't have reacted like this if you didn't so instead..."

"It's just really important to us that you know we're here for you," Carol continued the sentence Loki started. "Sweetheart, you're a kid, so you're living under our rules..."

Loki smiled and continued with, "We have no problem with you dating, but before you get to kissing and cuddling, we would like to meet whoever you are dating..."

Carol continued with, "it doesn't have to be as your parents if you aren't ready to tell them that but Pete sometimes a parent can see things kids just can't..."

Loki's facial expression turned serious and he continued with, "sometimes parents just notice things kid's wouldn't because we have more experience with life. And in the case we do see that someone you're dating is not all you think they are..."

Carol too turned serious as she continued, "or if they are a bad influence on you, we won't do it without reason but Kiddo we will end that relationship."

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