Week 4 Day 4 sick spider p5

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Peter P's pov
"Here take some tea with cookies," Ms. Hope offers and I smile a very happy smile at her offer.

"I. Love. Cookies. So. Very. Much!!!!"

"Thank you so much."

"No problem, mini," Ms. Hope responds and Mr. Lang steals a cookie once the prior is not watching.

I like these two a lot. They're so different from all the other heroes I have met before.

They are much more domesticated. I guess it is because, unlike my family, the Avengers, or even the Guardians of the Galaxy, they do not have to live up to anyone's, well other than their own, expectations. People are not constantly relying on them for the big things where they are completely unable to save themselves, but rather for the smaller things. Kind of like with me as Spidey...

On instinct, I give Mr. Lang, who is sitting next to me eating a cookie, a hug.

"Thanks for this. It's nice to be around people who don't always have to be watching their backs. You have a somewhat normal life. Not one of great glamour or enormous expectations but rather the sort that is more following the motto of do-what-I-want-when-I-want-to-do-it. It's how I want to be as Spidey."

"Well bug bro, pretty much no one knows your identity, at least I assume that is the case, so you really can allow yourself to relax," Mr. Lang tells me and I sigh.

"That's just it. Several people know my identity. Well, mostly my family and the Avengers, as well as a few heroes from Space and you four, but the thing is, everyone who knows is all amazing and super strong heroes so they are always attracting a danger of sort. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if I wasn't bitten by that spider. Would things be calmer? Something would be. I don't know..."

When Ms. Hope and Mr. Lang share a concerned look, I realize what I have just done.

"Oh, I am so sorry. That was so unnecessary. You invited me for cookies not to listen to my problems. I'm sorry I did not mean to be a burde—"

Before I can continue Mr. Lang pulls me back into a hug.

"Shhhh, you are not a burden. Do not think that. It's okay if you need to vent. Everyone needs someone to talk to and more often than not it is a lot easier to talk to people you barely know because then you don't have any reputation to try and uphold," Mr. Lang explains calmly whilst gently stroking my hair.

I don't know when but somewhere along his little speech my eyes started to water.

"Everyone I know is so powerful and I always feel obligated to be at their level. B-but I c-cant. It's too high a standard. I-I don't know how to r-reach their limits."

"Then don't strive to reach their limits. Strive to reach your own. You are your own person, Peter. Don't try and push yourself to be at a level of a bunch of adults who probably all have more years of training experience than you have lived. You'll reach their limit. In fact, you'll probably pass it with the clear determination and care you have. But this is one day but as for now. It's ok to let yourself be a kid. It's ok to miss a day of patrol to spend some time with the people you love. It's ok to let yourself relax," Ms. Hope says softly whilst rubbing small circles on my back.

"T-thank you both."

"No problem, Pete," they chorus and I smile gratefully at them.

Mr. Lang seems to get an idea and then says, "Let's go ride some bumper cars!"


"Seems like a brilliant idea to me," Ms. Hope says and grabs her keys, nearly carrying me to her van. Before she does though I take a cookie which causes her to roll her eyes fondly and bring the whole packet with.

I climb into the back of the van and desperately look for a seatbelt. I find none as there are no seats so I simply make one out of my webs.

Then the strangest thing happens. The entire van, with us in it, SHRINKS!!!

"So cool!"

At my comment, both of the adults chuckle lightly and we engage in small talk whilst eating the cookies.

Remembering Mom's term I send her a quick 'still fine just chilling with friends' before switching off my phone and joining the grownups, who had left the van, in entering a fun world.

Time skip: the three heroes are in bumper cars...


"We're coming for you Ms. Hope!"

"Yeah you better watch yourself, Hope this will be one bumpy ride," Mr. Lang screams as both he and I charge at her from different directions.

Just as we're about to collide with her though, she somehow gets out of the way and Mr. Lang and I bump into one another. Followed by Ms. Hope speeding towards us and colliding with us both, causing all three of us to laugh...

After an hour of this, we head back to their home, all three of us being exhausted so I give them both a farewell hug, promise to stay in touch and to come visit every so often and then I swing to an alley to start my routine of sling ring to the field, summon the Bifrost, greet Mr. Heimdell with a warm hug and rush home to my family.

When I get back I receive welcoming and loving smiles from both Mom and Dad and join them where they were sitting on the sofas talking about random, boring grownup stuff.

Quickly I fall asleep and the last thing I remember is two people chuckling lightly at me and then everything turned dark.

Yeah, I needed today before the stress tomorrow's fair is bound to bring...

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