School... Fuckin' School | 82

Start from the beginning

The halls are full of kids which I am NOT used to seeing by the way since I always get into school late.

The bell goes for homeroom and I look at my schedule to see what room it's in, though this shitty school doesn't even write it down, how do they expect student to find their way around? I mean there's a random letter next to each thingy but the doors are labelled by numbers.

The halls are soon mostly empty seeing as everyone has gone to class.

I stop a kid walking alone rather hurriedly in a hurry.

"Hey dude, d'you know where Mr. Beckett's class is?" I ask and he looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Hey James! We weren't finished with you!" I hear a kid shout from the other side of the hallway.

"These guys bothering you?" I ask him with a raised brow.

He just shakes his head vigorously, as though to tell me to do nothing as the guy comes up with another two dudes.

"Hey you're the new kid, why you talking to that loser?" The guy says to me with a condescending laugh.

"I don't know why I'm talking to you, to be honest" I say to the annoying asshole with a shrug and he glares.

"Hey unless you wanna have a problem with me I suggest you like fuck off" I say with a sigh, this is kinda boring.

"I guess we have a problem then" he says.

"Hmm, okay" I shrug and just punch him square in the nose with so much force that he falls to the ground with a cry. Obviously not using my inhuman strength, he'd be dead if I did.

"Oh no, looks like my hand just slipped" I say looking at my hand.

The other two come at me and I kick one in the stomach so he falls back then choke slam the other one onto their back. Dam that was fun I've always wanted to choke slam someone.

The guy I kicked starts to get up but I kick him in the temple, not like super hard, just enough to disorient him ya know, so he just stays there.

These guys are such losers, I turn back to the kid I asked for directions, his name is James I think, ha like Bucky!

"Hey, sorry bout that, so about Mr. Beckett's class" I say and he just looks at me in shock. 

He just points towards his ear and shakes his head, ohhhh he's deaf.

"Oh right, do you know sign?" I ask him in sign language, he looks surprised but nods.

"Yeah but most people don't" he replies in sign.

"Yeah that's true, though I learned it when I was a kid, I had a friend who was deaf" I reply and he smiles.

"That's cool, oh and I can walk you to Mr. Beckett's, I'm in his homeroom as well, it ends in 10 minutes though" he signs and I grin.

"Nice" I reply and he takes me to my homeroom, he like completely ignore the groaning assholes lying on the floor.

As we're walking down the hall, I introduce myself and he tells me his names is James, I tell him how one of my friends is called James and that he's kinda like one of my gay dads which earns a smile form him.

We get to the homeroom class and walk in, most people are just talking to each other while the teacher does whatever.

The teacher, Mr. Beckett I presume, looks up as we walk in.

"James! I was getting worried, oh and are you Peter Parker" the teacher says with a kind smile, yoooo that's a Bucky smile, why is everyone reminding me of Bucky lately? Is it like national be like Bucky month?

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