You Guys Know Each Other? | 69 😏

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February 10th

D'you know when you're just casually walking to work and an old friend shoots an arrow beside you scaring you half to death? No? Oh, well it's annoying.

At first I thought it was Clint, well it's not apparently, I learned that when I saw the arrow. I know those arrow.

"Ollie, you know it's rude to shoot arrows at people" I say turning around to see the Green Arrow.

"Really? Didn't realise" he says with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I ask in amusement.

"Am I not allowed to visit my favourite kid?" He says and I roll my eyes playfully.

"You're not here for me, you would've called" I say and continue walking to the tower while he follows behind me.

"Yeah you're right, I have a business meeting with Stark for Queen Consolidated" he shrugs.

"You plan on going there dressed like Robin Hood?" I smirk, choosing to neglect to tell him I'm Tony's personal intern.

"Oh yeah! I forgot, well cya kid!" He says, ruffling my hair and dashing off. Asshole. He knows I hate that.

I roll my eyes and continue to walk through the streets, why did no one even spare a glance at him and his ridiculous costume? New York is literally just a sea of ignorance.

Within a few minutes I reach the tower, I say hi to a few people as I make my way through security.

I get to the elevator and walk in, taking a sigh as I do so. I sing along to the elevator music, AC/DC of course, I mean this is Stark Industries, we don't fuck around.

The doors open and I walk out into the lab where Tony is very engrossed in his work.

With a smirk, I take a few chemicals mix em together and the chemical reaction creates a huge bang causing him to jump, hitting his head of the lamp above him.

I burst out laugh and he turns to me with a glare.

"Really?" He says shaking his head amusedly.

"Come onnnn, I had to" I say with a smirk.

"Yeah yeah" he says whilst rolling his eyes.

"Hey don't you have a meeting soon?" I ask and his eyes widen.

"Oh yeah shit! Thanks for reminding me, apparently it's important" he says rushing out.

"Change into a suit! Don't want Pepper to be pissed at to again!" I say and he clicks his finger the way Hamilton does when Burr asks him if he punched the Bursar and Hamilton says 'yes'.

Aww now I wanna watch Hamilton, thanks a lot Tony!

"Mr. Parker? Mr. Barton is requesting your help" Friday says, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Where is he?" I ask with a sigh.

"Currently hiding in a store room on the 67th floor" she replies.

"Lead me the way" I say.


Well turn out Clint threw glitter paint bombs at Bucky and also put blonde hair dye in Mom's shampoo bottle. So now I'm trying to prevent an angry super soldier and my now blonde mother from killing him.

"Come on Мама паук, it's not that bad, you suit blonde" I say with a nervous laugh as she throws a knife at Clint only just missing him.

"Of course I suit it! I'm gorgeous with any hair colour! It's the fact that HE pranked me!" She says and I snort, she glares at me and I hold my hands up in protest.

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