Happy Birthday To Me... | 14

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August 17th

Today is August 17th, you might be wondering why I'm telling you this because you probably don't give a shit. But August 17th just happens to be my birthday, yeah I'm officially 15 years of age.

I don't celebrate my birthday, it just feels wrong, my birthday is just a reminder of another year without my twin. He never got to see a birthday after his sixth, so neither should I.

Plus birthdays aren't that important anyways, it seems a little too sentimental for my taste.

So today will just be like any other day, I'll go to school, go home, and go to my internship like a normal Friday.


I can't do it.

I've spent so long acting like I'm fine, pretending that I'm okay. Today just makes that whole facade even harder to keep up with.

I'm only an hour into my classes and I already feel like breaking down.

"Alright class, for this semester each of you are going to be learning about your family tree. Now when you go home after school, try learn as much as possible from your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, whatever family you have" the teacher says, wow really? This? On this day?

"Fuck this" I mumble, then grab my bag and leave.

"Mr. Parker? Mr. Parker you can't leave" the teacher says but I just ignore him and leave the classroom.

I walk down the corridor as he shouts at me to stop but I don't even spare him a glance.

I turn into another hall then walk down the staircase to the ground floor. I grab my skateboard from my locker and cruise down the hallway and out the front doors.

Not long after, I find myself in Central Park, on the same bench I always sit at.

I take a cigarette from the pack in my pocket and then light it up.

Why do I have to live? Why can't I just die and free myself from everything? There's nothing for me here, everyone I love it dead so what's the point of staying here.

I tried to kill myself, twice actually, the first time I was 10, I tried jumped off the same bridge my aunt did. Alaric, my boss, caught me just in time, I remember the horror in his eyes and how guilty I felt for wanting to die.

The second time was when I was 12, I hung myself, I should've died, my neck snapped but I was taken down in seconds. My enhanced healing saved me, the injury wasn't severe enough to kill me but I was hospitalised for a while. When I woke up my friends made me promise that I'd never try to kill myself or meaningfully harm myself in any way.

They're dead now, but as I held my dying friend in my arms he said one thing to me, he said, "promise that you'll live for me, for us" and I agreed.

"Well you don't really have a choice anyway" he added afterwards.

I never really knew what he meant but then I found out. They had used Zoey's magic so that if they ever died I'd inherit all of their powers. It's said to be the only way an immortal can truly die, if they pass it onto someone else.

Jace was immortal. So now I am too. Not invincible, I can be injured, I don't heal as fast as Wade though, only when it's life threatening if that makes sense.

If I die, I'll just wake up, even if I take a bullet to the head.

I'll never die, and that thought scares me more than anything else in this world. Imagine being forced to live forever? What kind of life would that even be?

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