• T W E N T Y - E I G H T •

Start from the beginning

My face falls, and suddenly, I don't feel all that happy anymore. I found a person that I really, dearly love...but I have to marry someone else.

Stupid Liam.


The doctor told me to get some bedrest, so I lie down on my bed. Tossing and turning recklessly, I groan. This is so boring, I don't even see the point in bedrest. I can walk, can't I? It's not like I broke my leg or something..

I pull out my diary from behind the curtains. Yep, that's where I hide it. Mother and Father are very prone to snooping, and I have no privacy at all. I remember when I was nine, I did the classic under-the-mattress thing and my father ended up reading about my secret crush on Snoopy and Charlie Brown.

Yes, yes, I had a crush on the two of them at the same time.

I laugh at the distant memory. I remember all my stupid little crushes; the longest one I've had lasted a month. My first was when I was four, and it was on Danny Dog from Peppa Pig. My first human crush when I was fifteen was on...Niall. But luckily, the both of us forgot about it. We're close friends now, nothing more.

I flip through the pages to reach a blank one. I start to write a poem, not knowing what else to do.

His green eyes shimmered as emeralds would,

When he gazed upon her insecurities.

His smirk curled into a smile,

As he tortured her poor feelings recklessly.

His strong arms guarded her,

As the intimidating gates would guard a castle.

His kind but wounded heart,

Kept her warm when the world was cold.

His brown curls drenched in raindrops hovered above her eyes,

Offering her a morsel of his love.

His kiss sent sparks into her heart,

The sparks she knew, never could be felt.

His love was differe

"Care?" A voice asks. I'm too intrigued with my poem and it's emotions to notice Liam standing at the door. Startled, my pen drops and I shove the notebook under my pillow. Liam steps over to me nervously, even though I never invited him in. Stubbornly, I cross my arms across my chest.

"What do you want from me?" My tone is cold, hoping he would get the message to leave me alone.

"I want you." Liam says quietly. I scoff.

"Well you embarrassed me in front of the public and got me in tabloids!" I spit, holding up the front cover of People.

On the cover, there is a picture of Harry carrying me bridal style out of the restaurant. On the side is a little box with Liam's face in it. The headlines read 'Who is Princess Caroline's mystery man? Definitely NOT Prince Liam of Stockholm!"

"Oh." Liam shortly says, shock displayed on his face. I now notice the bruised jaw and swollen cheek Harry gave him.

"Oh?" I ask him, raising both eyebrows dramatically.

"I mean...Look, you have every reason to be mad at me. I'm sorry about last night. I was a terrible jerk." He says, scratching the nape of his neck.

"Well you still are one." I murmur quietly. I'm just not ready to forgive him for all that he's done...ever.

"And why is that?" He asks sort of amused, to say. He takes a seat on the carpeted floor beneath me.

I exhale heavily. There are a lot of reasons as to why Liam is a terrible jerk. "Number one," I begin and Liam chuckles softly.

"You want me to marry you, even though I don't like you at all."


"Number two. You yelled at me in front of everyone yesterday."

"Sorry." He peeps out but I ignore it.

"Number three. You got me into a stupid tabloid."

"Hey, not my fault that fiancée-stealing Styles carried you out of the restaurant. You could have walked." He remarks and I furrow my eyebrows.

"See? Point proven of how much of a jerk you are."

"Fiancée-stealing Styles is too." He scoffs.

"Don't call him that." I say with a warning tone.

"Why are you always defending him?" He shoots back, standing up. I look up at his perplexed face.

"Because..." I trail off.

"Because?" Liam definitely likes this, he's smirking arrogantly now.

"Because I love him." I say bravely and the colour drains from his face.

"Does he love you back?" He asks hesitantly.

"He loves me more than you can ever imagine." My confidence confuses Liam.

"Oh." He simply says, shoulders slouching slightly.

"Oh?" Now it's my turn to smirk.

"Then why don't you tell your parents that? Then you don't have to marry me." He suggests, but he's clearly hurt by my statement.

It's not my fault though. When it comes to my life, I don't care about being brutally honest.

He makes a good point though...maybe it's time to talk to my parents about Harry. I can't imagine a life without him. Wait...if Liam is trying to help me, that can't be good....something's up.

"Why are you trying to help me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

He chuckles again, wrinkles of laughter forming at the corner of his eyes. "Isn't that what friends are for?"


"Yeah, go on. Tell your parents you want to be with him." Liam pushes, no sense of sarcasm in him voice.

"I don't know..." I trail off, thinking.

"Clearly, you don't love him enough. If you really do love him, you'd stand strong to marry him. You'd tell your parents.." He smirks. Jerky Payne is back. My hands ball into fists.

"I can't just do that! What if Harry doesn't want marriage now?" I ask.

"Well then, he's a douche. He's just using you." Liam makes a snarky remark. I can feel my ears heat up. Harry would never use me like that, neither am I naïve to not notice, if that's the case.

"Leave. Now." I say through gritted teeth, pointing to the door. I'm too fed up with Liam and his failing tactics to change my mind about Harry.

Liam stands up and dusts off his pants. "I will, but just remember what I said. I'll be waiting, love." He says, kissing my forehead.

I don't flinch, though. I think about Harry telling the doctor that he's not my boyfriend...that Liam was marrying me in three weeks....

What if Harry is using me?


A/N: Ayyeeeee long time no see! Did ya miss me? :D Sorry for the short chapter, to be honest it was really hard to think of something interesting. Okay so you want some Q&A?

Q. What confuses you the most?
A. Algebra gahhhhhhh!

Q. What pisses you off?
A. Algebra.

Q. What's your favourite colour?
A. Since black isn't technically a colour(screw that), orange and blue.

Q. Where do you get ideas for your plots?
A. Okay so this is really creepy because they are usually my dreams...then I turn 'em into stories.

Okay so enough of that! Remember to hit that vote and comment!! I really wanna know your thoughts on Liam striking again and Caroline's doubts. Thanks and ilysm! Btw, have a lovely Easter!


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