Ch 55 Widows Crypt Pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Ah, right! The Aurora Constellate is happening next week. So you're going to stay here for the festival too?" Alice's mood brightened visibly.

"Wow! A whole week?" My drowsy sister perked up at this and pulled on my sleeves.

"Yup, that's the plan. Let's all go to the festival together." Arthur confirmed Looking at his family, he gave them a smile and hugged my sister and mother before walking down the stairs.

"I'm going back to the school though, Someone had to make sure nothing bad happens." I rubbed the back of my head as I apologized. This was a lie but partially true Until the attack happened or I killed Danreeve and his men before he could attack I would rather Stay at the school.

"Well, you're going to have to make up for this during your other breaks then Al!" Ellie punched me in the arm as I nodded in acceptance.

"Be careful!" Alice shouted one last time while waving. Waving back at them, I stepped inside the carriage along with Arthur. Once inside, I followed Sylvie's lead, with Me, Arthur, And Zeph all catching up on sleep until we arrived.


"Al! How was your trip back home? Did you get to catch up with your family?" Claire Ran up and gave me a quick hug the second I stepped out of the carriage.

"Oh, yea I didn't tell you about my family did I? I was raised by the Twin Horns, a Party of Adventurers that Arthurs parents we a part of until they got married."

"So that's why you're so strong!" Claire mused in realization.

"Well that and my own hard work on top of their training, But they did leave a gift for me with Arthurs parents." I smiled back at her while withdrawing Artemis from my Dimension ring, and infused mana into it to string the bow with its mana string. I had also found that if I infused more mana into it with the idea of reinforcing it I could make the Draw weight go up to Well over 1000 lbs judging by the fact I had to use my beast will for the strength buff and that the arrow had left my ears ringing when It launched.

"Al are you even good with a bow?" Claire raised an eyebrow half judging me.

"Yes Helen shard who is my legal mother and the leader of the twin horns taught me how to shoot a bow as well as her, Also I can use dual daggers, staffs, spears, and am also proficient in hand to hand combat," I said strapping the quiver to my hip

"You are too good with close combat considering you are a conjurer." she shook her head both impressed and in disbelief.

"kinda happens when you train before you awaken Claire." I chuckled.

"Good, you made it!" Professor Glory gave me a smile as she began her headcount. Looking around, besides Curtis and Claire, I saw Clyde, Lucas, and a few other students that I never really paid attention to.

"Sorry, I'm late!" Once Tess ran through the front gate, she caught her breath, her face flushed and hair messy.

"You're the last one, Princess Tessia. We can start heading out now." Professor Glory took note of everyone's presence once more and nodded in satisfaction before turning around and leading the class of sixteen students to the teleportation gate.

I gave Tess a small wave but otherwise continued making small talk with Curtis and Claire, and Arthur talking with Tess until we arrived at the gate.

The guard stationed at the gate adjusted the settings as he asked our professor a few questions. After several minutes, Professor Glory signaled for us to enter through the gate one by one, stepping in herself after all of us. Again, my stomach turned from the feeling of traveling through, but luckily, the trip never lasted more than a few seconds.

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