August 2010 (1)

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It was a week before the wedding, and my third mixtape ever had officially been dropped for only a day. After what felt like a lifetime of pondering the title, the theme, what kind of album cover I wanted, I finally was able to figure out the direction I was going with it. Was it a little bit controversial? Sure. But I don't care. You can't create an anti-Pink Friday record without it being slightly controversial, and that's exactly what I did. 

After titling my Nicki diss track as Black Friday, I knew that was the song that was bound to blow up. I had added a snippet of an interview she did with Angie Martinez where she was denying Roman's Revenge being about me to the beginning of the track, and then at the end of the track, you hear a recording of me essentially just making fun of her and mocking her. Needless to say, I knew this track was about to drum up some intense controversy, but hey? I'm marrying Marshall in a week, I ain't never been scared of a lil' controversy. 

So, if I was about to create a whirlwind, I wanted to create a big one. Refusing to stop with just the track, I titled the entire mixtape after it, topping it all off with a beautiful cover of me dressed head to toe in black, sitting in essentially the same position as she did on her album cover, except I was holding a machete while a pink decapitated head was scattered at my feet.

Of course, as soon as Marshall saw it he had issues with how blatant I was being, saying I was blowing this whole thing way out of proportion and that I didn't have to go this hard at her. But see, that's where he's wrong. I've been letting this chick say whatever the fuck she wants about me for years, and she's finally about to get the response she clearly so desperately needs. So, no. I don't think I'm blowing this way out of proportion. I think I'm makin' up for lost time. 

"So, here's what I'm thinkin', right?" Marshall randomly blurted, widening his arms for me as I crawled into bed beside him. 

"Hm?" I mindlessly inquired, making myself comfortable within his tight hold. 

"You've dropped a record, I've dropped a record, I say we both just chill out now for a few years, be married, maybe we can try for another baby, and just, y'know... Enjoy our life together. Our new chapter."

Smiling, my love-filled eyes met his. "You soundin' like me, now." 

He laughed. "Yeah, 'cause it's a good idea, baby. I just wish I had listened to you sooner."

"Ugh, me too." I joked, rolling my eyes into the back of my head with a smile as his deep cackle rang in my ears. 

"Nah, but you know what I'm sayin', though? I just want it to be us for a lil' bit. No work, nothin' crazy goin' on outside of the few random tour dates we have here and there, y'know?" 

"Yeah, I agree." I nodded, still with that same soft smile plastered across my face. 

"And then yeah, like I said y'know... Maybe we could start tryin' to have another baby too?" He asked, his voice turning sheepish and unsure.

"Mhm, we could, but I agree that I kinda just want it to be us for a lil', y'know? Like I definitely want another baby but maybe in a year or two? Just so that we can enjoy our new life together, like you said." Smiling, I ran gentle fingers down his rough, stubble-filled cheek. 

Returning my smile, his soft, loving eyes remained focused on mine. "Yeah, that's a good plan, baby. I like that a lot." 

"Mm. Me too." Applying a gentle pressure to the side of his face, I forced his mouth onto mine as our eyes fluttered closed, lips melting together almost immediately. Slowly breaking the tight suction, Marshall worked quickly to re-secure our mouths, taking my top lip between the both of his as he gently sucked. Readjusting our lips once more, I took his bottom one between the both of mine, tightening my grip on the sides of his face as I allowed him to begin slowly moving over top. 

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