August 2007 (1)

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Hi everyone! Just wanted to give another small *trigger warning* as this chapter will also be dealing with homophobia. If anyone decides not to read and wants an update of what they missed, you know where to find me! Other than that, enjoy :) 

Walking down the long hallway of my house all the way from my bedroom towards the kitchen, I could smell the familiar aroma of pancakes, bacon, and fresh fruit swirling throughout the main level. Just having woken up, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes while a smile pulled at the corners of my mouth, listening to the happy laughter coming from both Des and Alicia. 

Turning the corner, immediately they both laid eyes on me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They squealed in unison.

Laughing, they both ran over to me, throwing each individual set of arms around my body. "Aw, thanks guys." My genuine voice rasped as I hugged both of them back. "This is so sweet of you." I smiled as they pulled away. 

"Mommy!" Des yelled, yanking at my hand as he forced me to follow him deeper inside the kitchen. "We made pancakes, and toast, and bacon, and hash browns, and sausage-" 

"And fruit salad, which Des promised me he would eat." Alicia joked, cutting off his excited rant and immediately earning an annoyed tongue to be stuck out at her. We had been trying to get Des to eat more fruits and vegetables lately, but it seems almost impossible with how hard headed he is. But, then again, Marshall is his daddy, so what can I realistically expect?

"Ay." I quickly scolded, snapping my fingers together. "Don't you got school to get ready for?" 

"Alicia said I could be late 'cause it's your birthday." He innocently stated. 

Looking up towards Alicia, I met her anxious looking eyes. "Is that okay?" She asked nervously. 

A small rush of air pushed through my nostrils resembling a laugh. "Yeah," I nodded, looking back down towards Des where I left a hard kiss against his head. "Yeah that's fine." 

Smiling, he released a few giggles. "Thanks, mommy."

Smiling back, I turned to make my way towards the table. "Okay, are we eatin' or what?! I'm starvin'!" 

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Alicia happily exclaimed, both her and Des following closely on my heels as we all sat ourselves down at the beautifully set table with as much food as I could possibly ever want. 

Eating breakfast, we all continued laughing and talking, just really enjoying each other's company and I couldn't help but just feel so incredibly fucking grateful for Alicia. She must have had to get up so early to do all of this considering it was only eight in the morning, and then for her to include Des in the whole process too? I truly couldn't have asked for more. And I mean, I know she loves Des, of course, but just the way that she's opened her arms and her heart to him, almost as if he was her own, I could never thank her enough for. Especially considering the fact that he was born out of a heterosexual relationship. Alicia's told me before that women like me, who have pretty much only ever been with men, are sometimes seen as 'tainted' or that their bisexuality is not as 'real', or validated as a true lesbian. Almost as if the minute you get a dick stuck in you, you're not the same as other lesbians, or bisexual women. But Alicia's never cared once about that. She's fully aware I've never been in a relationship with a woman before, and that doesn't bother her at all. She's accepting of me, of Des, of my extremely heterosexual past, and I appreciate that more than words could ever describe.

Finishing up breakfast, Des ran to his room to go get changed for school, while I began cleaning up the giant mess that was left behind after such a giant meal. "Oh my god, I'm so full." Alicia whined, holding her stomach with both hands as she attempted to relieve the uncomfortable feeling. 

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