July 2002 (2)

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Finishing my set for the day, I made my way back to my hotel room to hopefully get a small nap in before I had to head to the airport once again. We were currently in Mansfield, but tomorrow we had a show out in Cleveland, and while we could drive there, Paul had pretty much decided awhile ago that we were leaving the tourbus life behind. It seemed like a good idea at the time, not having to sit inside a stuffy bus for hours on end, getting damn near no sleep with everyone up partying, but man, flying was actually so much worse. I never realized how much I actually hated flying until I started this tour. It's just exhausting, and honestly a little scary. How in the fuck do planes even fly? They should be too heavy! I don't know, somethin' just seems suspicious about it.  

After telling Xzibit I'd see him tonight at the airport, I let myself into into my room and we went our separate ways. Reaching into my pocket, I quickly found my Valium. As I dumped two of them into my hand, I chucked them into the back of my throat and swallowed them dry. Setting the plastic bottle down on my nightstand, I headed over to my dark green suitcase, hoping to find something clean I could put on and then head to the airport in. As I rummaged through all the different pairs of boxers and socks, I found a pair of sweats. "Finally!" I muttered to myself, annoyed with all the shit I had brought. 

As I pulled them out of the suitcase, they quickly uncovered three VHS tapes that were scattered mindlessly at the bottom of my bag. Drawing my brows into a frown, I picked them up and read the spines of them that seemed to be in Angel's handwriting. 

"Watch this one when you miss the kids :)" 

"Watch this one when you miss me <3" 

"Watch this one when you miss my pussy ;)" 

Cocking an eyebrow up at the last one, a laugh rolled off of my lips. This girl's fuckin' crazy. Grabbing the one of the kids instead, I sauntered over towards the TV that held the VHS player directly underneath it. Flipping everything on, I inserted the large piece of plastic into the entrance and grabbed the remote from the side table. Hitting the correct buttons, Hailie's face immediately popped up on the screen as I pressed play. 

"Hi daddy! I miss you!" Hailie beamed from ear to ear and waved her little hand frantically, earning an immediate wide smile to be plastered across my face. 

"Good job, baby girl. Tell daddy how much you love him." Angel's voice, while quieter then Hailie's boomed through the speakers as she continued recording her. 

"I love you sooooo much!" Hailie squealed again, eyes screwing shut as she outstretched her arms to show how much she loved me. I laughed, and at the same time I could hear as Angel giggled behind the camera. 

"Good girl. Do ya wanna show daddy what you made in school?" 

"Yes!" Hailie happily replied before Angel handed her a folded piece of construction paper. Opening it up, Hailie revealed an absolute mess of glitter, stickers, and glued on shapes with the words 'I Love You Daddy' written across, obviously in her handwriting and not the teachers. 

As Angel zoomed in on it for me to see, my lips tugged into another big smile. "Wow! It's so beautiful Hai, he's gonna love it!" Angel said again before quickly turning the camera around to face her. "We're sorry we didn't show you it, but we wanted to keep it a secret so we could surprise you. It's in the last pocket on ya suitcase."  Laughing, I quickly pressed pause on the video and ran back over to the suitcase. Unzipping it, sure enough there it was. As I unfolded it, a bit of the glitter fell off and directly onto my scattered clothes, but it was absolutely beautiful. Bringing it back to the side of the bed that I was perched on, I hit play again. Angel turned the camera around one last time. "Anything else ya wanna tell daddy before you go?" 

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