October 2003 (2)

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Getting back to the hotel, me and Zoe went directly up to mine and Marshall's room while Marshall and the rest of the boys were about ten minutes behind us. I guess they had all specifically coordinated it so me and Marshall wouldn't be crossing paths, who I was told from Zoe who was told from Denaun that he was still super upset and angry. Really not feeling in the mood to see Marshall right now, Proof agreed that whenever they do get back that he'll just take him to his room, which I was incredibly thankful for. Finally I'm getting a little fuckin' support from them all for once! 

As we entered into the room, immediately I set my purse down on the kitchen island as Zoe trailed in behind me. "Okay, Denaun said they're just walking in now." Turning myself around to face her, I nodded as her fingers flew over her phone's keyboard. 

"Mmk." I hummed in agreement. Taking my shoes off, I headed into the bedroom in hopes of just changing into my pyjamas and going the hell to bed. As I searched through my suitcase for my favourite sleeping shorts, I heard what sounded like a loud ruckus coming from outside the room. Imagining it was probably just Marshall getting angry and being escorted to Proof's room which was only about five doors down, I attempted to ignore it. 

As the noise became louder and louder, all of a sudden I heard Marshall start yelling and pounding his fist hard against the door. "FUCKIN' WHORE!" He screamed and immediately all of the rage I had been concealing for the entire night, boiled over. Bolting from the bedroom, I whizzed past Zoe who was still sitting out in the kitchen. Swinging the door open, I revealed Marshall being essentially dragged down the hallway by Von, Proof, and Swifty. 

As soon as he noticed me, he quickly pulled himself from the boys' grips and we both started to angrily dart towards each other. Each of us only getting a few steps in, I was quickly yanked back by Zoe while Proof immediately grabbed Marshall. "YA GOT SOMETHIN' YOU WANNA SAY MARSHALL?! COME HERE AND HIT ME! HIT ME! GIMME A REASON TO LEAVE YA FUCKIN' JUNKIE ASS!" I screamed from the absolute top of my lungs as Zoe tried her best to pull me back into the room. 

"I'LL FUCKIN' KILL YA BITCH! DON'T THINK I WONT!" I heard him scream one last time before Marshall was successfully forced into Proof's room, the door slamming shut almost immediately after.

Letting out a loud, ferocious scream, I turned around, ripping myself from Zoe's clutches as I stomped back into our room. "Angel, ya shouldn't have done that! That's just gonna upset him more!" 

"GOOD!" I screamed once again. "I hope it does! He's a fuckin' psycho loser who needs professional help!" 

"I agree, Angel! But eggin' him on like that isn't gonna do what you think it will!" 

"Oh you agree?! So can ya finally admit he's got a fuckin' problem with those pills instead of just tellin' me I'm fuckin' crazy all the goddamn time?!"

"Yeah, Angel! Of course I agree! I just never knew he was THIS bad!" 

"Never knew?! All I've ever fuckin' done was told you how bad he gets! But nobody fuckin' believes me! Not you, not Denaun, not Proof, fuck, not even Paul!" 

"You've tried to talk to Paul about this?" She asked shocked. 

"YES! I've tried to talk to everyone! I've been tellin' ya'll for MONTHS that he's got a problem but no one listened! You all just said I was crazy and 'oh, it's just Marshall bein' Marshall'!" My voice turned deep and mocking-like. "IT'S NOT! This isn't Marshall! If it was I woulda never fuckin' been with him! Do ya understand?!" 

"Yes, Angel! I understand! I'm sorry!" 

"Thank you! That's all I fuckin' wanted!" Turning on my heel, I marched back towards the bedroom, once again in hopes of finally finding some pyjamas without being interrupted. Just as I was changing, I heard another knock on the door. Jesus christ! Who is it now?! Throwing on my tank top, I went back out to the living room to find Denaun sitting beside Zoe. 

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