September 2008 (1)

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It was Des' first day of school in Detroit, and I swear this kid could not be anymore excited. Not only was he excited to finally get to go to school with Hailie, he was also excited to finally be in grade one. He kept walking around all damn morning calling himself a big boy and refusing both mine or Marshall's help with anything and everything. Not getting dressed, not his breakfast, not even his damn backpack were we allowed to help with! But, Marshall and I are both very much like that in our own ways, so what can I realistically expect? Not much. 

Des was a little bummed though when he realized him and all of his sisters were in separate grades. Lainey's in high school, so she's not even anywhere near the same damn building, and Hai's in grade seven, while Stevie's just starting Kindergarten. I understand why he's upset, but if I know Des, that boy will make friends within the first five damn minutes he even steps foot into that classroom. 

It was also sad too that none of the girls were with us this week, so they couldn't all go to school together, but hey. I'm sure he'll see the both of them at recess, at least. 

Dropping Des off at school, Marshall demanded to come with me even though he had an entire music video shoot for Forever not even an hour later. So, dragging one giant body guard along with us, we walked the long, relatively empty hallway towards Des' assigned classroom just so we could talk to his teacher a little bit before. I know the rest of the kids are all outside playing, waiting for school to start, but it's my baby boy's first day in a new school! We couldn't just leave him hanging to find his own way. 

Finding the classroom rather quickly, the teacher didn't seem too stunned by the sight of us. Yeah, someone definitely told her. After only a few minute chat, and Des chomping at the bit to go outside and play, we finally let him be and his teacher escorted him towards the jungle gym. 

"I can tell you're nervous." Marshall whispered, snatching my hand in his as we made our way back down the long hallway, following on the heels of the giant man in front of us. 

"'Course I am! It's his first day. New schools are scary." I whined, empathy coursing through my veins as I just so badly wanted Des to have a good day. 

Marshall chuckled. "He'll be fine, baby. Relax. Lainey went to this school her whole life, and so has Hai. It's a good here, I promise." 

Groaning, we exited through the large backdoors. "Fine. Whatever you say." 

Quickly making our way through the brisk, fall weather, we finally reached the car. As Marshall hopped into the driver's seat, I went around to the passenger's side as our guard got into the back. "Yo, you still gon' come with me today, right? You ain't want me to drop you off?" Marshall asked, his nervous eyes giving away the large amount of anxiety I knew he had been feeling due to the shoot. 

"No, baby. 'Course not. I said I'd come." Buckling myself in, my tone turned casual. 

"Aight." He nodded, turning the engine over. "Good." 

Giggling, I reached for his hand once more as our fingers intertwined. "Now who's nervous, huh?" I playfully mocked. 

He laughed. "Yo! I ain't had a video shoot in a minute, aight? I'm anxious, leave me alone." 

"Mhm, and whatchu so anxious for? You're gonna be great." Angling his eyes towards me, I could almost telepathically hear his self-conscious thoughts gnawing away at him over his weight. "Baby, you are the sexiest man on this whole goddamn planet." I quickly stated, earning myself a light, but obviously doubt-filled chuckle to be rolled from his lips. "You are!" I exclaimed, quickly snapping my upper body around towards the backseat. "Toby, tell my man how sexy he is." I demanded, the car immediately becoming filled with both Marshall and Toby's loud laughter. 

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