August 2001 (1)

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It was the morning of my 25th birthday, but let me tell you, I did not feel 25. At six months pregnant, I felt like I was 50, and I wasn't even that big! It was mainly just because my feet hurt all the goddamn time, my back had really been starting to kill as I was slowly but surely developing the classic pregnancy waddle, and I just felt exhausted constantly. Between taking care of the girls, being pregnant, Kim, making sure Nate was good, and Marshall being away at the studio almost every damn day, it was a lot. But, I just kept telling myself that when I go into labour, it'll get better and I wont be so tired. Although I'm not too sure how true that it is, but I would like to hope it'll be true. New borns are easy, all they do is sleep and eat. That shouldn't be too difficult. 

Thankfully though, Kim's week with the girls lined up with my birthday, so they were currently over at Kim's. I was sad that I wasn't gonna see them on my birthday, but I was also happy that we didn't have that extra responsibility with the girls and we could go out and celebrate! Even though Kim had been arrested and was pregnant with some randoms baby, Marshall was still okay with letting her see them. He knew she wouldn't do any of that coke shit in front of them, and that at the end of the day she was a good mom regardless of her addiction or not. He was putting a lot of faith in her by trusting her with them, but he knew he had too. He couldn't keep them from her forever, and especially if she was going to jail soon, he wanted them to spend as much time as they could with her, which I thought was very sweet and considerate of him. Even though I know the negative feelings he has towards her, I can appreciate that he still wants the girls to be in her life.  He knows she's important to them, regardless of how he feels, and thats what matters the most. 

So, because the kids were gone that meant we had nothing that we had to get up for. As a result, Marshall eagerly woke me up this morning by pressing his morning wood against my ass while he left a burning trail of wet kisses along the side of my neck. My eyes slowly fluttered open as a lazy giggle erupted from inside me. "Aren't ya tired of fuckin' a pregnant bitch?" I asked jokingly as I tried my best to regain consciousness. 

"Fuck no. Havin' my baby in ya just makes you that much sexier." He rasped against my neck. 

I laughed like I didn't believe him. "Really?" 

"Yeah, baby. 'Cause it means I won." 

I raised an eyebrow as I turned myself around so I could face him. "Won?" 

"I'm the one that got ya pregnant, I won." He said as he quickly brought his lips down to the front of my neck. 

"Was it ever a race?" 

"Yup. An unofficial race." He stated confidently.  

I laughed. "With who?!" 

He pulled away from me slightly and a look of confusion ran across his face. "Are ya serious? Every guy ya ever been with! Everybody wanted to get ya pregnant." 

"Boy you are so dumb in the mornings." I joked.  

"Nah I'm fo real, 'cause any dude who got ya pregnant, like... You're their girl for life, y'know?" 

"So I'm ya girl for life?" I smirked devilishly. 

He smiled. "Nah baby, you my wife. Come on now." 

Playfully rolling my eyes, I allowed as he moved over top of me. "Shut up." Opening my legs to make room for his body, he left a few more sloppy kisses on my neck as he quickly brought his hand down to the crotch of my dampened panties. A rush of air came from his nose, indicating a light chuckle as he sat back on his knees. 

"See this is how I know ya my wife." He quickly reached up for the band of my panties and pulled them down in one swift motion. "'Cause ya get all fuckin' wet whenever I say it." Coming back down, he hovered over top of me, eagerly running his fingers over my pussy as his middle one pushed through my folds, directly shoving it into my entrance as soon as he met it. As I let out a small, involuntary whine, our eyes connected. "Am I ya husband?" He asked demanding, slowly pumping his finger in and out of me. 

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