January 2006 (2)

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"He go down okay?" Zoe asked just as I came around the corner of my living room. Since it was the day of Marshall's wedding and she refused to go to that clown show with Denaun, she had decided instead to just fly down and visit me for the weekend. Truthfully, I think she was really just worried about me and how I would be feeling this weekend, which is a little bit patronizing, but still it was nice to have her back in Brooklyn for at least a few days. 

I nodded, a tired sigh rolling from my lips. "Yeah. He was still throwin' a lil' bit of a fit 'cause you're here, but he's good now." 

"My big boy just wants to hang out with auntie." She confidently stated. 

Laughing, I rolled my eyes as I plopped myself down on the couch opposite to her. "He does. But I told him you ain't leave until tomorrow night, so then he was fine." 

Zoe smiled. "He's so cute. I can't wait 'til ya have another one, he's gonna be the best big brother." 

"Another one?" My eyebrows flew up towards my hairline. "Who the hell am I havin' another kid with?" 

She laughed. "Well, I don't know, but I'm sure it'll happen eventually!" 

"Girl, ya off your fuckin' rocker." I joked. "I can barely even handle one baby daddy, let alone two." 

Zoe shrugged. "Well, it doesn't have to be with a man. You could always adopt or somethin'." 

"Yeah, I could, but..." Another deep sigh escaped my lips. "I just really don't want another kid right now. It's hard enough bein' a single parent to one, y'know?" 

"Yeah, I get it." Nodding in understanding, we heard as her cellphone vibrated against the glass coffee table. Reaching for it, she kept her attention attached to me. "But you're a good mom, Angel. Don't think you aren't just 'cause you're a single parent." 

"Mm." I hummed doubtfully, looking down at my nail beds as I noticed an uneven piece of skin. Making a mental note to get my nails done this week after Zoe leaves, I listened as an annoyed, rough sounding sigh rolled from the back of her throat. "What?" I asked, pulling my attention away from the jagged skin. 

"Nothin'." Shaking her head, she mindlessly tossed her phone back onto the table. "Denaun's just annoying me." 

"Why?" I asked confused as my eyebrows drew themselves into a frown. 

"He got a new phone that can send pictures, and he sent me like five of the wedding." She rolled her eyes. "As if I ain't there for a fuckin' reason." 

"Ugh." I groaned, a sour look growing across my face. "Who's in them?" 

"Who do ya think?" Zoe asked, annoyed. 

"Kim." I stated, bitterly. 

"Mhm." She nodded. 

"What's her dress look like this time?" 

"White and ugly." She stated, earning an immediate loud rumble of laughter to leave my mouth. Laughing along with me, she grabbed her phone once more. "Here, do'ya wanna see them?" 

Sighing, I recollected myself. "I don't know... Are they gonna make me sad?" 

Zoe gently nodded. "They might." 

Pausing for a moment to think about it, I unconsciously chewed at the delicate skin of the inside of my cheek. "Whatever, fuck it. I wanna laugh at her dress." Quickly popping up from the couch, I moved myself to Zoe's, tucking myself tightly in beside her so I could have a better look at her tiny phone screen. 

"Are you sure?" She asked with concern riddled throughout her voice. 

"Yeah." I nodded. "Lemme see." Holding my hand outwards, she passed me the block-like device. Scrolling down, I clicked on the first picture which seemed to just be Marshall, Proof, Denaun, Fifty, Biz, Von, Swifty, Obie, and Stat Quo. Well, at least he's wearing a fuckin' suit this time around. I do have to say though, Marshall definitely looks fucked up on something. But of course he is. I always knew he wouldn't ever be getting married to her again if he was sober. 

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