August 2009 (1)

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As my eyes fluttered open to the sound of happy giggles and shrieks echoing all the way from downstairs, my sleepy gaze fell upon Marshall's empty pillow. Frowning to myself, I gently cocked my head up as I looked towards the ensuite. Nothing. Hm. He must be downstairs with the kids. 

Releasing a deep, lazy sigh, I slowly began tossing the covers off of me as I rolled myself from the mattress, planting the balls of my feet firmly against the cold, wooden flooring. Pushing myself up, I quickly snatched one of Marshall's hoodie's from yesterday off of the ground before swinging it over my head as I made my way towards the door. 

Pulling it open, I could hear as the giggling became louder and louder with each step I took. Recognizing each individual laugh as one of the kids, the only one I couldn't make out was Marshall's. What the hell? He's gotta be around here somewhere. 

Reaching the very last step of the staircase, I turned the corner towards the kitchen, my nose immediately being met with the thick scent of pancakes as my gaze fell upon the two extremely happy teenage girls cooking and laughing together, while the younger two seemingly ran around playing a friendly game of tag. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Lainey screeched, dropping her wooden spoon directly into the mixture of pancake batter as she flew towards me. 

Laughing, we quickly threw our arms around each other. "Aw, thank you! What're you guys' doin'?!" I asked excitedly, releasing Lainey just as Hailie ran up behind her. 

"Dad had to run out for a minute, so he asked us to start making breakfast." Hailie replied, tightening her arms around me before Des and Stevie also began silently demanding hugs. 

"Happy birthday, Angel!" Stevie's joyful tone rang in my ear as I bent down towards her level, drawing her closely into me. 

"Happy birthday, mommy!" Des added in that same happy voice, tossing his arms around my neck before I had even let Stevie go. 

Laughing, I planted two separate kisses on each of their cheeks. "Thanks, babies." Releasing them both simultaneously, they immediately resumed their game as I brought my attention back towards the girls. "So you're makin' breakfast for your dad? Where'd he go?" I inquired, pulling the stool from the island outwards as I sat myself down in the busy kitchen. 

"Well, technically it's breakfast for you," Lainey smiled, pointing her coated spoon at me. "But we can't tell you anything more than that."

"Ohh." I nodded, a light giggle rolling from my lips as I realized what was going on. "He's got a surprise for me, I get it." 

As Lainey shrugged, a second, more mischievous smile ran across her lips. "Maybe."

I laughed. "Okay, I wont press ya'll any further." Getting up, I snatched one of the unused coffee mugs from off of the island as I headed towards the coffee maker that I could see had a fresh pot brewed. "Hey, actually?" Pouring the hot liquid into my ceramic dish, I turned to them. "Since you're both here, I was wonderin' if I could ask you somethin'?" 

"Mm." Lainey hummed in agreement as both girls nodded at me. 

Setting the pot back down onto its holder, I sauntered my way over towards the stool once more. "Would you two wanna be bridesmaids at the wedding?" 

Immediately watching both pairs of the young girl's eyes light up, I laughed. "YES!" They squealed in unison, heads bobbing up and down with extreme excitement.

"Oh my god, I thought you were never gonna ask!" Lainey screeched once more, running around the island as she threw her arms around my neck for the second time today. 

I laughed. "'Course I was gonna ask!" Hugging her back tightly, we released each other a few moments later. "I just felt nervous since I didn't know if it was gonna feel sorta weird for you guys or-" 

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