November 2006 (1)

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It was the night before Des' fifth birthday, and I was running all throughout the house like a madwoman in attempt to set everything up for his party before I started wrapping the, I swear, hundreds of presents I had gotten him. Feeling frustrated that I always do this to myself, I made a mental note to take a small break once I was done hanging up his decorations just so I could have a second to breath. A five-year-old's birthday party should definitely not be this stressful. 

Hanging up the last Power Ranger's 'happy birthday' banner, I stepped back, already feeling as the anxiety was beginning to melt away. Perfect. Now all I have to do is wrap the presents, and I'm done! Easy as that. Well, easier. I think there's about fifteen I have to wrap, but still. I can perch myself in front of the TV while I do some nice, mindless work for once. 

But, allowing myself that tiny break before I dove into my next task, I grabbed my phone from off of the table as I made myself a new batch of coffee. I'll definitely need that tonight while I'm wrapping. Just as the coffee began to brew, I turned my phone on, gently leaning myself against the kitchen counter.

From: Ai

"Game released his second album today, U have 2 listen 2 it. There's a diss track against U, and he also disses Marshall. 

From: Ai

"Wouldn't Get Far and Let's Ride they're called."

Rolling my eyes, a rough sigh left my lips. There is no way in fuck I'm going through this same public bullshit with yet another dude. 

To: Ai 

"Please kill me :)"

Setting down my phone, I trailed my way over to my brand new, conveniently set up laptop that was perched right beside where my cellphone once was. Grabbing it, I headed back towards the island as I gently opened up the screen. Okay... Now how the fuck did Charmin say to turn this on again? Oh right. The big button at the top, of course. Hitting it, I watched as the screen lit up just as my coffee finished brewing. Figuring it would take a minute for everything to boot up, I quickly headed back over towards my machine, grabbing a mug from the top shelf before pouring myself the scalding hot beverage. 

Being careful not to spill any on myself, I very slowly placed the mug down beside my laptop before hoisting myself up on the tall bar chair. Noticing my computer was already completely turned on, I couldn't believe how fast it had booted up. Wow, technology's really been advancing lately. Shrugging, I opened up the RealPlayer program that Aidan had downloaded for me and there it was, right in the new releases section. 

Clicking on the Doctor's Advocate title, it took me to the whole entire track listing. Let's Ride was number six, and Wouldn't Get Far was number eight. Hm. Aidan didn't tell me which one was which? Oh well. May as well listen to them both. 

As I hit play on Let's Ride, the first thing I noticed was how obviously West Coast influenced this album was compared to his first record. Figuring it probably had something to do with the fact that it was likely only Dre who worked on this album, and not Curtis, I really did fuck with it. If there's one thing Game's always got, it's beats. But I guess that just comes with the territory of ridin' with Dre. 

Listening as the first verse finally started, my ears perked up, waiting patiently until I heard anything of relevance. It wasn't until about the tenth bar in that I actually even noticed anything, but regardless, it was fuckin' awful. "It ain't been this much drama since I first heard Eminem/Was in the club, poppin' Valium pills like M&Ms." Immediately, my eyes grew two times their size, and I felt nothing but total anger and rage. Who the FUCK does he think he is speakin' on Marshall's shit like that?! There's a million other things he coulda said about him, but he has to take the shit I said to him in confidence and put it on blast?! I trusted him! I was vulnerable! He knows how upset those pills make me, he knows the tears I've fuckin' shed over them! And he does that?! To throw it in my face?! To throw it in Marshall's face?! That shit, Marshall's habits, ain't nobodies story to tell but mine and Marshall's! They broke up our entire family, and he thinks he can just use it as ammunition?! Oh, he's got another thing comin'. 

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