December 2002 (2)

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It was now officially Christmas, which meant it had been about three weeks since Christina's stupid fuckin' album had dropped and things were going... okay, I guess. I always knew the track wasn't Angel's fault, and even just by that short amount of her conversation with Christina that I overheard, I also knew how pissed off and angry Angel was as well about it. But it still sucked. It's embarrassing having the girl you claim so hard publicly being involved in something like that against you, purposeful or not. Oddly enough though, Christina never admitted to anything. Not even that the verse was about me. She had done a few interviews for the album, and they all asked her about it to which she denied wholeheartedly that it had anything to do with me. And while me and Angel both know it's complete bullshit, the only reason she's denying it is so if me or Angel were to do anything about it, that it makes us look like the bad guys and not her. Because as far as her story goes, she didn't do anything. In fact, "It's crazy that people would even think I would have Angel involved in a song like that if I was talking about Eminem," or whatever the fuck Chrtistina's lyin' ass said. But she's just a manipulating, sneaky little bitch. I know that, Angel knows that, and I'm sure the world will know that eventually. But for now, me and Angel are done being made out to look like loose cannons, so all we can do is sit back and ignore it, I guess.

But, since it was Christmas, and also Hailie's birthday, we had to put all of our bullshit aside for the day and just focus on the kids, which was actually pretty easy. They were all such high energy the entire damn day that I don't think me or Angel even thought once about any of the shit that's been going on between us for the past month or so which was definitely nice. I don't wanna say me and Angel have been growing apart, 'cause if I say that, then it makes it real. But there's definitely been at least a subtle shift between us and I honestly don't fuckin' get it. Nothings changed! I'm still workin' the same amount, I'm still goin' to L.A. about once a month, she should be used to this shit by now. And if its the pill thing then she needs to get the fuck off her high horse actin' as if she's never taken them before. Maybe it's the fact that the Asian and European legs of Anger Management start in a few months and she's been feelin' stressed out about it? I don't know, but at the end of the day I do really just want us to be okay. And I know we will be, we love each other too much to not be okay... We just have to get over this first. 

After all the kids finally went to sleep, Nate included at around midnight, Angel headed upstairs to start getting herself ready for bed as well. Turning the TV off, I gathered up the rogue wrapping paper that had been scattered aimlessly and threw it into the trash. Making my way up to the bedroom, I quickly remembered something I had almost completely forgotten about. "Baby." I whispered, gently pushing the door open. 

Without looking at me, she threw the covers back as she started getting into bed. "Hm?" 

"Baby, I got an idea." 


Walking towards her, I plopped myself down on the edge of her side of the bed as she pulled the comforter over her legs. "Ya remember that ecstasy Proof gave us awhile ago?" She nodded. "We should take it tonight. We never took it, I still got it in my drawer." 

Her brows drew together in confusion. "Right now? Marshall, I'm 'bout to go to sleep." 

"Well don't. Come on, stay up with me. It'll be fun." Hopping off the bed, I went towards my dresser drawer where I had hidden the small baggie just incase the kids were to come in here and start snooping around. Pulling it from the very back where it was buried under all my socks, I tossed it to her. 

"Marshall, I don't know..." Her voice became cautious-sounding as I returned to the edge of the bed.    

"Why not? Baby, we haven't taken it together in so fuckin' long. It'll be like old times." I begged, resting a gentle hand over her crossed legs that were still being covered by the blanket. 

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