November 2001 (2)

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It was now a week or so later, and my dad, Ai, Jill, and Brooklyn were all here visiting us and the baby! I was so excited to have them all here, and honestly, they've actually been a huge help while I try my best to transition into motherhood. Especially Jill. I swear this all just comes second nature to her, because she's known what to do in almost every situation that I've been confused about. Although to be fair, she has been a mother a lot longer than I've been, but still. She's an absolute natural, and I never realized how precious that skill truly is until I had my own little human to care for. 

Marshall never fails to tell me how much of an amazing mother I am though, which I really appreciate. Even though he actually hasn't been home that much to see how I'm really doing on a day to day basis with Des, because of course, the movie still had to be filmed and the numerous different albums he was working on still needed to be recorded, I did believe him. I don't think I'm any sort of supermom by any means, but I do think I'm actually pretty good for a first timer. Only because I have all this help right now though. I'm sure I would be out of my damn mind without all of them. 

Even my dads been so amazing through all of this. I don't know what it is about parents, but as soon as they become grandparents it's like they're the most competent human beings on the planet. I noticed it as soon as Brooklyn was born, and it just really became amplified as soon as he met Des. It was like he looked at his two grand babies as if they put the stars in the sky, but let's be honest. They absolutely do. 

And of course, all the kids have taken to Des so perfectly. Hailie and Lainey especially, but that was always expected. All they want to do is help, Lainey always wants to help burp him or change him, while Hai wants so badly to sleep in his room with him. We haven't let her since it sorta just feels unsafe, but they've taken numerous naps together on the couch that I know she loves. They're honestly just all so fuckin' cute together that I swear my heart could explode looking at them. 

Speaking of the girls, Kim had officially been in prison for about a week now. Us, nor Kim had ever really told them exactly where she was going, we just kept it sort of vague and said she had to go away for a little while but she'd be back soon. I felt so incredibly awful having to lie to them like that, and I know Marshall did too, but it's hard when they're young and don't understand. Telling them the truth would only hurt them, and they're too little to experience that kind of pain right now. Although, I'm not sure how much easier it is on them just knowing that they can't see their mom for six months, rather than actually knowing why. But, I trust Marshall's judgement on this. Those are his kids, and if that's how he wants to approach the situation with them, then I just have to support him in that. 

As I was busy in the kitchen making Des a bottle of formula with Hai and Lainey attached at my hip wanting to help, I heard the house phone start to ring out in the living room. "Ai! Can you answer that? Or someone?" I yelled out into the abyss, hoping someone would be able to hear me over the girls giggling their heads off at god knows what. 

"Got it!" Aidan yelled back. 

"Angel, can I feed Des?" Lainey asked sweetly in her little high-pitched voice.

I nodded. "Mhm, ya just need to sit nicely with him and make sure you hold the bottle, okay?" 

"Okay!" She squealed with so much happiness, earning a big smile from me as she jumped up and down a few times.

"Let's go get him from Jill then we can set ya up on the couch." I said, snatching the bottle off of the counter and heading into the living room with the two of them. As we entered, I noticed Aidan still on the phone with whoever it was that was calling, and Jill sitting patiently with Des as she waited for me to fix the bottle. 

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