December 2001 (1)/January 2002 (1)

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"Merry Christmas!" Lainey squealed as her and Hailie loudly barrelled into our room before hoping on the bed and beginning to jump all over me and Angel, who were still soundly asleep. 

"Daddy it's my birthday! It's my birthday!" Hailie also yelled, matching her sister's excited tone as they continued to jump on top of us. 

"I know baby, I know." I mumbled as both me and Angel tried our best to regain at least some sort of consciousness. 

"Get up! Get up! Des is awake too!" Lainey yelled again.

"And Nate!" Hai quickly added. 

Slowly, I began sitting up while simultaneously wiping the sleep from the corners of my eyes. "Yo, what did Angel say 'bout goin' into Des' room without one of us when he's sleepin' in there?" 

Immediately they both stopped jumping, obviously feeling guilty. "I'm sorry, Angel." Lainey said quietly as she hung her head. 

As Angel followed my lead by beginning to get up, she smiled empathetically at Lainey. "It's okay, baby girl. You were just excited." She said as she planted her hand against the back of her head before leaving a small peck on it. "Come on! Let's go get him." 

"Yay!" Lainey squealed one last time as the two of them began getting off the bed. 

"You too, birthday girl! Come on!" Angel yelled one last time, matching Lainey's excited tone. Immediately Hailie jumped off the bed and began following Angel as her and Lainey continued giggling I swear as loud as they could together. 

As I watched them walk out of the room and leave my field of vision, I quickly reached over, opening the drawer to my nightstand before sticking my hand inside and searching through all the pointless shit. As my hand finally connected with the cold plastic bottle of my Vicodin, I frowned realizing I only had two left. God damn it, guess I'll have to go get more tomorrow. 

After I downed the last two pills dry, I quickly threw out the now empty bottle before going to throw on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. Sauntering out of the bedroom towards the stairs, I could hear those same high-pitched squeals and so much laughing coming from the living room. Immediately I felt as my heart swelled and so much happiness and love just began to bubble up inside of me. I mean this is mine and Angel's first Christmas where we're physically together! With our brand new baby no less, how couldn't I be so fuckin' happy right now? Everything's just so perfect. 

Finally reaching the lower level, I found Angel in the kitchen preparing Des' bottle as I could smell the distinct scent of fresh coffee. "Merry Christmas, baby." My tone was smooth, snaking my arms around her waist from behind as I left a gentle kiss against her cheek. "I love you."

She smiled, tightening the cap to the bottle. "I love you too." As she turned around with my arms still secured around her, her soft lips came directly towards mine. "Merry Christmas." She said as she pulled her face away from mine, looking directly into my eyes. Staring me for a few moments, I watched as her smile slowly washed away. "You're high." She stated quietly, almost as if she was disappointed. 

"No." I immediately fired back, shaking my head.

"No? Ya pupils look huge." 

I shrugged. "Well I ain't, so." 

She raised her brow slightly. "I'd rather ya just tell me the truth, Marshall." 

"I am!" I exclaimed desperately. 

She continued staring at me for a few seconds, clearing attempting to study my facial features. "Mmk." She sighed deeply before pulling away from me, obviously just wanting to be done with this conversation. I know she didn't believe me and just wanted to let it go, likely not wanting to get into it on Christmas and Hailie's birthday, but that was fine with me. She ain't gotta believe me. She's just gotta leave me the fuck alone and I'll be happy. "Here." She handed me one of the two coffee mugs she had prepared. "The kids are all waitin' in the livin' room." She stated uninterested one last time as she began making her way towards where all the chaos could be heard. 

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