June 2008 (1)

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Sitting downstairs, I was perched on the large couch drawing as I attempted to get the shading of Tupac's bandana just right. Allowing the TV to mindlessly play in the background, I felt content, and peaceful. Angel was right in telling me to draw when I had cravings, it's definitely worked. All of a sudden, I went from feeling incredibly on edge and unable to relax to just complete quietness. When my brain's in creativity mode, I don't think about nothin' else. Just me, and the art. Whether that art is drawing, or music, it doesn't matter. My mind is happy when I create, and I definitely am too.  

Moving onto the shadow under his nose, I felt as my phone began to vibrate from the couch cushion beside me. Figuring it was probably Angel who said she was gonna call me around this time, I happily answered. 

"Yo!" I said with a slight smile, dropping my pencil onto the pad. 

My favourite giggle began to ring through my eardrum. "Hey, baby. How're you?" 

"Good, I'm drawin' right now. How're you?" 

"I'm good, I miss you so much, though." 

Smiling once more, I couldn't help the warm, cozy feeling that began bubbling up inside of me. "I miss you too, baby. When you gon' come back?"

"Well... When do you want me to come back?" She asked mysteriously. 

"Now." I quickly stated, earning a rumble of laughter to explode from her chest. "Nah, I- Why don't you come next month when Des is done school? I think I wanna start workin' on a new record again, and I want your help." 

"Really?" She asked with surprise. "Are you sure you wanna do that? It feels a lil' too soon, Marshall-" 

"Nah, 'cause I aint- I ain't gon' give myself a deadline. I've just been writin' a lot since you've been away and I wanna see how it feels to record again, y'know? I wanna see if the shit I'm writin' is actually any good or not." 

"Aw, well Marshall, of course it is. Why would you say that?" 

"'Cause I genuinely don't know, Angel. I feel like I'm tryna re-learn how to write, how to be a rapper, and it's fuckin' hard but I just love music too much to let it go yet. I thought about it for awhile if I should just give hip hop up as a whole, but I don't wanna. At least not until I know if I can still do this shit or not."

"Marshall, of course you still can. It's in your blood, baby. You're an artist. You can do anything you set your mind too, I just wanna make sure that it's not too much for you to take all of that on again so soon." 

"Nah, and I agree with you, but I ain't takin' anything on yet. I just wanna try it, see how it goes." 

"Okay, well I'm here to support you in whatever you wanna do, so if you want my help, I'm there." 

"Yeah?" I asked, clearly looking for reassurance. 

"Yeah, baby. 'Course." 

"So you'll come back when Des is done school?" 

She laughed. "Yes! Yes, I'll come back." 

I smiled. "Aight, good." 

"Here's a question for you, though, and feel free to shut it down if it's too much for you, but I was just thinkin', y'know, it might be somethin' worth exploring, maybe?" 

"Hm?" I hummed, encouraging her to continue. 

"What if we just, enrolled Des in school in Detroit instead?" She asked, her voice turning slightly nervous. 

My brows drew into a frown. "Why would we do that? I thought we agreed he could just stay in New York with you for school?"

"No, no, we did, we did, but... I don't know. I was just thinkin' if I'm gonna continue comin' to Detroit for months at a time, maybe it'd just be better if Des went to school there so I wouldn't have to keep pullin' him out." 

"Oh!" I exclaimed, quickly realizing where she was going with this. "Oh, so you see like- You continuin' to spend a lot of time here?" 

She laughed. "Yeah, Marshall, 'course I do. And I'm sick of havin' to come home 'cause of Des' damn school." 

"Really?" I smiled. "So you wanna be here like- All the time?" 

"Well, I mean... A good majority of the time, yeah." Trailing off for a moment, I could tell she was returning my smile. "But don't get me wrong, like, I ain't movin' or nothin' anytime soon." She quickly added, earning a deep rumble of laughter to burst from within me. "I just wanna, y'know, continue seein' how things go... 'Cause I think they're really good." 

I nodded, that same smile creeping onto my lips once more. "Yeah, I do too." 

"So it might just be easier if Des was always there... Since that's where I'm gonna be." Pausing again for a moment, I could tell she was smiling once more and all I wanted to do was to just kiss her as hard as I possibly could. "But only if you're comfortable, I don't wanna start puttin' shit on you-" 

"I'm comfortable, Angel." I quickly blared through. "More than comfortable. I want you here as long as you wanna be here." 

"Yeah?" She asked happily. 

"Absofuckin'lutely, baby. I swear. I want you here so bad." 

"I wanna be there so bad!" She desperately replied.  

"Good. Then come." Or let me make you cum. 

She laughed. "Fine, I will." 

Briefly pausing, I licked my dry lips as I felt my dick slowly start to come alive at the thought of watching her ride my dick... Cumming on it... Screaming my name. "Angel?" I rasped lowly. 

"Hm?" She hummed, questioningly. 

"I really miss fucking you." I stated in that same, quiet but deep tone. 

A soft exhale left her lips, almost resembling a tiny laugh. "When you're ready, baby, I'm here." She replied, her tone turning almost as husky as mine. 

"I'm ready now." 

A more obvious laugh rolled from her tongue. "You're not. But I'm here when you are." 

Nodding gently, I knew she was right. But still, that didn't stop the disappointment I felt. "Okay." I sighed. 

"Hey, don't act so sad." She said in her best comforting tone. "We'll get there, baby. I promise. I want to just as badly as you do, but it's important we don't. You know that." 

"Yeah..." I nodded once more. "Yeah, I know." 

As she paused briefly, I could tell she was giving me her most empathetic smile. "Okay, well I love you so much, and I'll talk to you tonight, okay?" 

"Aight. I love you too, Angel. Don't ever forget how important ya are to me."

She giggled. "Don't ever forget how important you are to me!

I smiled. "Nah, I wont." 

"Good. Keep drawin'! I wanna see all your work when I'm back." 

"Yeah, I will." I said with that same smile plastered across my face. 

"Mmk. I love you!" 

"I love you too. Bye, baby."

"Bye!" Bringing the phone down from my ear, I was still left with that same fuckin' boner that apparently was just refusing to go away. Tossing my phone back onto the couch, I looked down at the bulge created by my sweatpants. Feeling annoyed, my eyes quickly remedied the situation as I noticed my laptop sitting conveniently on top of the coffee table. 

Cocking a brow up, I quickly leaned forward, snatching the device away and laying it in my lap. Opening it, my fingers flew across the keyboard as I quickly typed "Angel Playboy" directly into the default search engine. 

Switching to the images tab, my eyes immediately caught the few of her completely naked. As a devious smile washed over my lips, I quickly looked both to the left and right of me, knowing full well everyone was out of the house, but still wanting to make sure I was in the clear. 

Lowering my sweatpants to just below my hips, I pulled my dick out, gently grasping the painfully hard organ before beginning a slow pace, just as Angel does. Embarrassing? Maybe. Desperate? Absolutely. But you know what they say, desperate times... Desperate, desperate measures. 

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