
After walking to the disciplinary committee room I kicked open the doors throwing in Charles and Jack who were tied up and uncurious from a teensy bit of my bloodlust after they refused to shut up.

"whos this?" Asked Theo, walking up to me emitting his pressure on me, which compared to Arthur and Elijah was pitiful.

"THEODORE STOP!!" Claire yelled but was too late because he was already pinned to the roof of the room by my wind pressure.

"Oh hey, Claire," I said pleasantly giving her a smile as Theo fell from the roof and slammed onto the ground with a solid THUD.

"Is he still alive?" Asked Doradrea

I just picked him up with one hand and slapped him awake.

"HUH! WHA!? WHAT THE HELL??" Theo questioned rubbing his head trying to figure out what happened, it looked like he was unsure where, when, and what he was doing in the room.

"He's Fiiiine" I slapped him on the back winding him causing him to go into a coughing fit.

"I heard of the commotion you caused today Al," Claire said in the tone of a parent finding out that her child was suspended.

"you expect me to not put the guy in his place when his swordsmanship is that bad?" I Asked In half serious half sarcastic tone.

Claire sighed in defeat" Your right, But did you have to do that to Theo?"

I just raised my eyebrows and looked at her, Claire quickly remembered her training with me and accepted the fact that Theo was only winded and dropped the point.

"So what happened to these two?" Doradrea poked Charles and Jack with a stick.

"they tried to fight Arthur Leywin outside of a duel in the cafeteria." My voice was extremely casual, so much so I could have said I just murdered Blain Glayder and nobody would bat an eye at it.

"Oh, alrigh- Wait A Minute, Isn't that your cousin that is just as strong as you?" Claire Questioned with a double-take.

"Yea that's the one."

"Knowing how much your 'training' rubs off on people how are they still alive?"

"Oh, that's because Elijah punched Jack through the wall."

"Al, Why am I not surprised?"

"Probably because you're the only one that lasted a month under my training."

"Wait even Arthur didn't make it that long?"

"Nah, he started two weeks ago."

"ahhhhh so that's why, I thought you went easy on me." Claire laughed and playfully punched my arm which I let her do Although I nearly dodged on reflex.

I laughed nervously because I was going easy on her by not using the real unsheathed Tempestarii and Augmenting myself Like I did on Arthur and Elijah, Which is another reason why they are terrified of my training. And If Claire found out that I didn't even augment myself but just made it look like I did she would use my training to its fullest to try and hit me.

Claire was simultaneously the cutest and most terrifying girl I knew, Even scarier than Helen when she Skewered 5 bandits to a wall one arrow through their mana and armor while smiling gently.

Women that can beat me in a fight Scare the shit out of me but holy shit is it attractive.

After some Dealing with the two trouble makers and making them pay for the wall and table Claire introduced me to the Disciplinary Committee which I already knew. Theo respected me for being able to use wind magic like gravity to a better level than himself, Doradrea had a mixture of fear and respect for me after I beat her In an arm wrestle without using mana other than my assimilated body which to be fair was about 5 times stronger if I just used the mana that's combined with my muscles, using the stasis particles that I assimilated like the mana would make me so much stronger it wouldn't be fun, well that and the fact that if I didn't reinforce my bones when I used it my arm would break.

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