Old flings

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I knocked on my childhood's door feeling sick to the stomach. If I had a choice I wouldn't be doing this. But my mistake 4 years ago led me here. And there was no turning back now. I had to finish this, for everyone.

I knocked harder hoping someone would answer the door soon. Relief washes over me as I'm met with my little sister's face. "BB", she wrapped her little hands around my waist. I genuinely smiled upon this. I missed this little minion. "Hey munchkin", I discreetly limped over to the couch. "Is bb hurting?", solo looked sad. "No no solo I'm fine", her mood quickly changed. Before I could lie further my mom walked from the steps.

"Matthew honey she's here!", my mom fought back tears. I could feel the love radiating off of her. I stood up taking her into my arms. "I missed you so much ma", a tear slipped. "It's good to see you too. How've you been", she broke the hug. "I've been getting along alright. You look amazing", I look her over. "Stop feeding my ears child", she shoved me. "You haven't got a days old child, what's your secret?", she playfully whispers. "You and dad that's my sec", my dad walked through the door.

I watched as he took off his jacket and hat. "Matthew honey look", he finally saw me. He froze in his steps. I saw his eyes get teary and that's when I chose to hug him first. He nearly crushed me with how tight he hugged me. "My little bee", he kissed my cheek. "Hi dad", I smile as he looks me over. "You haven't changed a bit", he says. I've actually changed more than anyone will ever know. "You guys haven't either. I've missed you", I said to all of them. Solo cleared her throat. "Ok maybe I missed Solo more, just a little bit", she elbowed me. "I missed Solo the most", she smiled big. We all laughed at her sarcasm.

I was now in the kitchen helping my mom prepare brunch. "It's a miracle really", my mother joked. She was going on and on about my cooking. "I've always known how to cook", I say nonchalantly. "Yea just like your dad then", she laughed loudly. I rolled my eyes at her favorite joke. "Settle down woman", my dad intervened. "You love my cooking, don't lie", he kissed her. They began to get all cute so I decided to let them have fun.

I decided to go bother Solo outside since I was bored. "Who's this munchkin?", she played with a little girl. "I'm Blue Ivy and you are?", she talked well. "Beyonce, nice to meet you", she shook my hand. I've never met a kid like her before. "You want to join?", they climbed the monkey bars. I declined the offer. I'd probably hurt myself anyway. "You scared?", blue raised a brow. This kid was something else. "Never I used to be the queen of these things" I folded my arms. "Show us", they giggled. I gave in since I've spent little time with my sister these last years.

I slowly wrapped my fingers around the bars feeling only memories return. I begin to swing my arms following the path with ease. I looked to solo and blue as they cheered me on. I smiled at their anticipation for me to win. I sped up my pace and made it to the end. I jumped down and they laughed. "You're quite good beyonce", she sounded impressed. "Thank you ladies", I bowed to the both of them. "Blue Ivy", I heard a voice yell. They sounded angry. I looked at the girls and they looked nervous. "Hey Beyoncé can you tell my mom you were with us the whole time", blue nervously smiled. I laughed until I saw her mom.

"Blue Ivy I've been looking all over for you", she sighed. "I was with Beyoncé", she froze at my name. Then she looked up and froze at the sight of me. She was still as I pictured her, breathtaking. Wait she had a...kid? "Hey solo baby", she gave her a smile. "Hey onika", I spoke up. She closed her eyes and I could see her frustration. "I didn't know you knew mommy", blue smiled. "Your mom and I are good friends", I say. She still never looked at me. "She's never mentioned you", blue makes me feel like even more shit. "Sometimes we forget the people we love right Onika", the pain in my leg increases. "Come on solo", I grab her hand. If I stood here any longer I'd fall.

I sat on the trampoline looking at the stars. Onika and I used to do this all the time. We'd sit out here all night talking and looking into space. It was peaceful then. I wanted that peace. The only thing stopping that was me. "Beyoncé", a voice whispered. I looked around not seeing anything. "Over here", I see blue peering over the gate. "Get down that's not safe", I insist. "Trampolines aren't safe either, they've killed people", she didn't crack a smile. This kid was something. "You win what's up," I give in. She gestured me closer so I abided. "We're having dinner in 5 minutes", she whispered looking back. I liked this kid. "We're having lasagna and a movie after. Bring popcorn", her mother called for her. I ducked hurrying back to the house.

"Mom, do we have popcorn?", I looked through the cabinets. "Yes sweetie on the left", I find it. I turn to see my mom smiling hard. "What?", I shyly smile. "Let me guess" , she smirks. "Mom please no. I have to go I love you", I kiss her cheek. I slowly walk out the door trying my best not to cry out in pain. I didn't want to wear the cane but it was VERY tempting.

I rung the doorbell of my childhood's crush door feeling nervous. I didn't know what she would say to me. I imagined this for a long time but it was really happening now. I'm met with Blue and her smile. "Beyoncé come in", she pulled me. "Blue baby who's at the door?", onika turns the corner. Her smile drops when she looks at me. She looks more surprised and hurt then not wanting to see me. I take this chance to hug her. She stiffly hugged me back taking me off guard. "You're real?", she said more as a question. I hugged her tighter so she would know. I felt her tears hit my shoulder so I broke the hug. "I missed you a lot onika", I said honestly. She let me go too early for my liking. "Talk to me", I beg. "I thought you were dead", she whispered. "I was", I say.

I'm backkk, for real this time😩. -

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