Thirty Eight - Sylar

Start from the beginning

Raising my hand again, I almost stumbled as Willa appeared, stood facing me with a smile so warm it heated me from the inside out.  She'd scooped her long white hair into a ponytail, and smelled freshly showered, and along with a citrusy scent, her own unique smell, akin to the woodland... and daisies and a mishmash of every flower I couldn't name poured over me.  It was intoxicating. The dress she was wearing was pretty and decorated her slender frame perfectly, and as my eyes dipped down, she wore no shoes. Bare feet greeted me as she bounced on her tiptoes, excitement danced in her eyes.

"Come in."  She shifted to one side and ushered me in.  "I wasn't sure if you would come and find me. I thought you may sleep or at least—be resting."

Slowly shaking my head. "No, no, I wanted to see you. I need to-" Stopping, I sucked in a breath, my Adam's apple slowly shifted.

Willa's smile widened, but I couldn't miss the concern now shadowing her eyes. "We can go for a walk, or just talk here," she offered

"I'm good here, if you are?'

She shifted on her feet. "Here's good. No one will bother us." I looked around her room.  It was big and decorated simply with one wall covered in shelves of books. Behind me was a bed but didn't look recently slept in. Drinking in the rest of the room, huge double doors led onto a balcony.

"Come, sit." Pointing to the sofa, I followed.   She sat and patted the space next to her.

I sat, my knee brushing up against hers.  My breath caught and my heart double tapped as energy passed from her to me, almost an organic reaction, as if our bodies would know each other anywhere.  This happened every time she was close and even stronger when we touched.

I'd not felt it with Ember.

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to.  We can just sit here."  She placed her hand over mine.

I'd come to talk.  So why was it now so difficult?  Pain constricted in my chest as I drew in a serrated breath.  It was the shame, crushing, adding weight to my chest, crippling my words. Sweat gathered along my hairline.

As if she could read my mind, Willa sat up, twisting her body to face mine. She reached for my face, turning it toward her as she cupped my cheeks.  "You don't have to talk, Sylar. It's okay." Her steady finger brushed the hair from my eyes, her gentle caress both soothed and protected me.  She pressed her lips to my forehead. In no way sexual, just comforting.

Relief moved through me as a swell of emotion overrode any thought of what happened, leaving me in drowsy calm peace that stilled my mind.

She was what I needed.  The calm to my inner storm.

Tipping my face up, her lips brushed over my cheeks, tracing, barely touching, softer than silk. "I missed you, Willa," my words scarcely above a whisper.

Lighter than air, her breath warmed my cheek. "Let me love you. Nothing you could tell me would make me feel differently." I could feel her sincerity. "I'll help you heal and share your pain. Trust me," she whispered as my eyes fell closed.

I would not fight her.  Her touch was what I needed, craved.  Only hers alone would fix me. Talking would come later.

Slowly, she pressed her lips to mine.  Cautiously, the tip of her tongue traced the seam of my lips. Her unique taste and scent flooded my nose, so soft, so feminine.  It sang out to my body, touching my soul.

My heart thundered in my chest as instinct kicked in.  Slow and sensual, my lips parted, and hers grew bolder, drawing me away from my fears...fear of her rejection and the numb exhaustion I'd suffered since the shift.

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