Ch 35 Terrifyingly Genius Discovery's

Start from the beginning

"Ahhhhh My wings feel so nice..."

"I can agree with that so much and I don't even have wings!" The soreness in my back was simply evaporating, I can feel Zephs true body throughout link perfectly, and the water jets on him even though he was shrunken down into his small bearded dragon form was simply sublime, And when Zeph had pulled out his wings in the water to wash them it felt like I had them on my own back and dear lord I nearly passed out from how warm I felt.

After staying in the tub for an hour I and Zeph hopped out feeling like new men, Zeph even got out without a fuss this time! We dried ourselves off with warm towels and hopped into bed passing the hell out the instant we touched the bed.


I hadn't even left my room in the morning when my door flung open with a loud thud. A little girl flung herself at me faster than Kaspians wind blasts and bludgeoned me in the gut with the crown of her head.

I quickly raised my arms to get Zeph out of harm's way, but I couldn't save myself as the wind quickly escaped from my mouth and I was tackled back down onto my bed.

For a moment, we were both silent as I gently stroked Ellie's hair as her face remained buried in my chest.

"Welfom vack," she mumbled.

"Sorry?" I tried to pry my cousin off me, but her arms squeezed harder around my waist in refusal to let go.

Ellie looked up with red, tear-filled eyes as she clung onto me like a baby koala. "I said welcome back, Al."

"Thanks, Ellie. Good to be back," I replied with a smile. "Now how about you let me go?"

"That depends"-her almond-shaped eyes narrowed-"are you going to leave again?"

"Does training a friend in the afternoons count?"

"When will you be back?"

"At most maybe 3 hours if I drag on the lessons, but ill be back in time for dinner," I said honestly rubbing the back of my head.

"Then I'll let go." Releasing me from her grasp, she quickly wiped away her tears with her sleeve. She looked at me once more, this time, with a more lively expression. "Come on, let's go eat!"

She scurried down the stairs, motioning for me to follow. As I trailed behind her, I couldn't help but remember how much she'd grown from when I had first met her after coming back from the elven kingdom. Ellie should be about eight right now. Her birthday was a few months before Arthur's, so there was always a period where she'd be four years younger than me. For most people, that wouldn't matter, but for some odd reason, Ellie never failed to mention after her birthday that we were only four years apart, she did the same for Art but it was a three-year difference.

As my train of thought shifted to her age and maturity, a sudden realization struck me like Bahamut ice hammers. Ellie, with her puppy-like eyes that shined brightly in a light sand color, and perky little nose that had become more defined as she lost more of her baby fat, was blossoming into a cute young lady.

This meant that in a few years-if not sooner, boys would start gaining interest in her.

And when they started gaining interest in her, they'd begin making moves.

It'd start with little things like sharing lunches during snack-time at school, which was vaguely acceptable. Then it'd escalate into pre-marital hand holding, The most heretical thing I could possibly imagine happening to her.

Then, after getting comfortable, the little bastard might try to sneak a quick peck on my My little Cousins cheek!

After the cheek, it'd...

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