(Arc IV) 169: Bigger Ordeal

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The 2-year deadline was coming near to all of them. The three sides' preparation for this inevitable war was also almost complete.

By this time, Anastasia and her companions were traveling towards the Ninth Circle of Netherland where the palace of the Netherland King was waiting for her.

Nyssa, on the other hand, was on the way back to Central Island together with her friends. Along the way, they encountered several ambushes but they had taken these opportunities to practice their Martial and Spirit Skills, most especially for the five Guardians they were with. They had stayed within their homes for most of their lives and although they cultivated their spirit skills all throughout these years, but to have a physical combat experiences could still develop their skills more.

Anyway, those ambushes they had encountered were naturally commanded by Moira. As of now, the whole continent was enveloped of great uncertainties and fears. The Dark Guild had completely established their power to the three islands: Eastern, Northern and Western.

Those who rejected the Dark Guild had taken refuge in Central and Southern Island. However, there were not many of them. In this upcoming war, it was obvious by now that the Dark Guild and their people greatly outnumbered them.

Still, the Central Island's side would not back down.

While Nyssa and the others were collecting the Guardians to activate their bloodline and convince to fight alongside with them, they were busy strengthening their cultivations. Anastasia and Zaki monitored the distribution and practice of Nyssa's notes about different cultivations to everyone in Central Island. Jin, Adam and Khalil went back to Southern Island to help that side to prepare too. Wayne and Brock entered the Condemned Forest, brought Beast Tamers with them and caught sacred beasts.

Meanwhile, the old folks in Central Towers and Central Cloud School had long been making talismans, pills and other powerful items which could help them during the war. There just so much they could do to help with the preparation but still, they would not slight the younger generations and just let them to burden the saving of this continent. Each and everyone of them naturally had the responsibility to make sure that this continent would not be completely swallowed and by darkness and evil.

"Elder, there are people who barged in the tower. They insisted to enter and went to the topmost floor." It was the report which caused excitement to the elders of Central Authorities.

It must be Nyssa and the Guardians, right?

At hindi nga sila nagkamali. When they finally reached the topmost floor of the tower, they just caught Nyssa entering the room together with seven people. Meanwhile, Toby and Raqie were left outside to stand guard and make sure no one would be able to disrupt the rituals inside the room. They greeted the elders upon seeing them coming towards them.

"You must have exhausted. Why do they enter right away and not rest first?" One of the Elders asked out of concern.

"Nyssa insisted to start right away. We should come back earlier but we have been delayed due to several ambushes along the way. Right now, we only have few months left before the war comes upon to all of us so she definitely feels the need to activate the bloodlines of these five Guardians as soon as we reach here." Raqie explained.

"Don't worry, elders. We made sure she wasn't that tired while we were traveling back. The rest of us are with her. If we cannot fend off enemies ourselves then ano pa at sumama kami sa kanya, di ba?" Toby assured them.

After hearing this, the elders were relieved.

"Good... But wait, did you say five guardians?"

The two nodded and quickly relayed to the elders what they had found out during their quest. Of course, the old folks were bewildered and happy at the same time. One more people to their sides was greatly appreciated.

"How is the preparation though, Elders?" Raqie asked.

The elders could only sigh.

"Everyone is doing the best they can. Sa mismong araw na iyon lamang magkakaalaman kung sapat ang paghahanda natin."

"Nevertheless, none of us will back down and simply continue to give our best until that damned day."

Once again, Raqie and Toby nodded.

Well, whatever the outcome of this war, even if they ended up losing but at least they would lose fighting bravely against these and dark and evil people.

"We will stay here to guard, Elders. Please do not worry for us."


Meanwhile, for the eight people within the room, the days seemed to pass by in fast mode.

Each guardian needed at least a month before their bloodlines could be activated. This time, Nyssa decided to accumulate the qi in her meridians to stop her breakthrough temporarily and helped the five guardians first. It took them five months before the five of them were kicked out the room by Maru and Leo because the next phase would definitely be Nyssa's lightning ordeal.

In fact, ang pinakahuling inactivate ni Nyssa na bloodline ay ang kay Momiji. While doing so, the thick black clouds above the room started to form. When the people outside saw those, they couldn't help shaking. And when the activation was completely done for the five guardians, the dark clouds looked very scary that people could only pray for Nyssa's success.


When lightning started to strike the room, Toby, Raqie, Vina, Prince Atobe, Loki, Weiss and Momiji couldn't stop their worry. Originally, they were against na inipon muna ni Nyssa ang qi sa kanyang meridian upang isahang tribulation na lamang ang pagddaanan niya.

In the first place, her cultivation was already heaven defying. And when she helped the activation of their bloodlines, of course, that was another phenomenon that couldn't be accepted right away by natural law.

She accumulated so much qi from the five of them for the past months and surely, her level up this time would not going to be normal.


Another thick lightning struck the room.

"Pang-ilan na ba?" Vina asked full of worry.

"Fourth..." Prince Atobe answered.

"...And it seems to keep continuing for a while." Weiss added solemnly.

"It's okay. She will survive this tribulation." Momiji said calmly.


"Those lightnings..." Naomi couldn't help gulping upon seeing the happenings to the direction of Central Tower. Even from where they were, those thick dark clouds and powerful lightning strikes were very visible to them.

Drax, Andy, Alexandra and Zaki who were standing beside her could only silently lament. Naturally, they knew who that person was receiving that ordeal. Months ago, they received a hologram call from Toby and Raqie to inform them that they were back. Nyssa began to activate the guardians' bloodlines and they would stay there in Central Tower to stand guard.

They were relieved back then. But now...

"It is bigger this time."

The five people looked back from where that voice came from and saw Wayne and Brock approaching them, their eyes were also fixed outside the glass windows.

"You two are finally back. What about the sacred beasts?" Alexandra asked.

"We've let the Headmaster and the elders to distribute them to those who do not have their beasts yet. The Beast Tamers stay with them to proceed with the contract as soon as the people have been chosen." Brock explained.

The latter only nodded and looked outside once again. She sighed and could only hope for the best for Nyssa.

"That girl never has it easy." Andy muttered which everyone heard clearly.

No one had spoken after that but they all agreed to Andy's words deep in their minds. They were not sure if it was just her destiny but Nyssa definitely had a really suck life... for two lifetimes.


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