166: Sixth Guardian 2

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"I am called Weiss, Loki's master."

"I am Nyssa. These are my friends. Toby, Vina, Maru, Raqie, Leon and Prince Atobe. It is nice to finally meet Loki's master."

"The honor is greatly mine. You are my benefactor, after all."

Nyssa was surprised when she heard that. How could he possibly know that? Loki only realized who she was after seeing her. And the lad wasn't able to tell him yet anything about what transpired outside the house.

Seeing her expression, Weiss simply smiled.

"I didn't expect you to be so young though. Why would you need a Life Extending Pill? Are you actually physically young but inside, an old man?"

"Nyssa, do you have to be so rude?" Saway sa kanya ni Toby.

Weiss chuckled. "I take no offense, don't worry." He told Toby then looked at Nyssa again. "I am really of this age, just few years older than you. But because I have a precarious life that's why I need to have the Life Extending Pill."

They noticed the words of Weiss. He said need not needed. Meaning, the Life Extending Pill he took back then was only able to buy him some more years in his life. In the near future, he would be bedridden and needed to take Life Extending Pill again.

This made them silent for a moment.

Nyssa felt bad for this heavenly looking lad to live a brittle life like that. Besides he was Loki's master so she definitely wanted to help him.

But that Life Extending Pill was actually difficult to find.


Difficult but not impossible.

A high level like that was naturally created by a high level alchemist.

If they survived this upcoming war, she would definitely help Loki and Weiss find a high level alchemist. Or better, she could find a cure to Weiss condition.

With this thought, she took a deep breath.

What she didn't notice was that soft look Weiss had given her.

Nyssa didn't notice but it didn't mean the others too. They kept their face impassive though and tried not to think about it too much.

Who knows, maybe Weiss was really just thankful for Nyssa.

Anyway, she decided to get to the point of their purpose. Since Weiss already knew who they were even before they met him, she guessed he knew too why they were there.

"Are you the Guardian I am looking for?" Nyssa asked him directly.


Everyone was relieved upon hearing that. They finally found the Sixth Guardian! And he happened to be powerful too. He would definitely be a great addition to them.

Only Toby was a bit troubled about this for some reason.

Anyway, their thoughts were cut when Weiss had spoken again.

"...and so is Loki.

"The two of us are the Guardians from Vesper Eve Tribe."


"Truly unexpected..." Nyssa muttered.

They just finished their long talk about Weiss and Loki being the Guardians from Vesper Eve Tribe.

Since Prince Atobe and his people had an extensive research about the Void and Guardians, he was certain about the Seven Guardians of this era.

Weiss explained to them though na noong tumakas sila sa Vesper Eve Tribe, Loki was still about to be born. So it was only him who was known that had a bloodline of a guardian from Vesper Eve.

"Indeed. Eight guardians... and we found two of them at once." Toby said as he sat beside her.

They decided to sit below these huge old oak tree which very near to edge of the waterfall cliff. It overlooked the infinite horizon of ocean and clouds before them. It was very heavenly like.

There was really a sense of utopia in this place.

Nyssa sighed as her eyes roamed around the place.

"How nice it is to live in this place, eh?" She couldn't help uttering.

"Un... But knowing you, although this place is very one of a kind, you won't exactly be able to stay put here. Tatagal ka siguro ng ilang buwan. But years?" Toby shook his head.

"Nope... You wouldn't be a treasure hunter in your old life if you can actually stay put in a place like this for a long time."

"What do you know? I actually stayed in the middle of Condemned Forest for a while." Nyssa bumped her arms to Toby and then leaned her head on his shoulder as both of them sat side by side near that waterfall cliff.

"That's because you have no choice. Plus, you had lots to do back then. On top of taking care of that boy and learning all about the Void Manipulation, didn't you add pursuing Leon to your daily task? It just proves how meddlesome you are." Maru intervened as she took the place on Nyssa's other side.

The latter just pursed her lips as these two sang the same of tune of how busybody she was all the time.

'These bully, ah... Truly ruins the mood, hmph!' She thought.

Meanwhile, back to the hut, Vina felt a bit uncomfortable as she watched those three sitting side by side.

Although Nyssa gave them an aggrieved look because obviously the two were teaming up again on teasing her, the three of them still looked very close to each other. It was very apparent that their friendship had been honed all throughout these years and survived lots of trials and tribulations.

Somehow, she felt a bit jealous.

Nyssa said the two of them were very close too in the past life of the former.

She wondered, if she met Nyssa early in this lifetime, would they be that close too?

To be honest, she always had an extreme care for Nyssa since that day in Meredius Sun Tribe. It was like there was an unbreakable connection between the two of them. She associated this to that supposed camaraderie she had with her in Nyssa's past life.

"My wife... mmfmfm..."

Vina had acted quickly and raised her hand to stop Prince Atobe on putting his face near her. His face landed perfectly on her palm.

"Stay away from me." Then she pushed him away.

"But wife..."

"Shut up, I am not your wife."

"Then my fiancee!"

"Who wants to marry you?!"

At nagpatuloy na nga sa bangayan nila ang dalawa.

Napailing lang naman si Raqie as she watched this happening in front of her. She was helping Leon and Loki in preparing their lunch but these two's acts really hurt her eyes.

"Ugh... Gross." She said with a grimace.

Loki was chuckling though.

As for Leon, as usual, he didn't care.


Nyssa felt a sense of crisis as they finally set to leave this heavenly place few days later.

She really liked it.

Kung siya lang ang masusunod, she wanted to stay a little bit more time there.

However, medyo kapos na sila sa oras. They only had seven and a half months left before that 2 years deadline.

Each guardians needed a month in order for their guardian bloodlines to be activated completely. There were still five of them.

More or less, they only had 2 and a half months now to look for that last guardian and go to Central Tower. Otherwise, they would be late for the war.

However, the mere fact that the Kitsune Fox Clan had already ceased to exist made their last search look very difficult. There was also the trouble of getting chased too.

Nyssa sighed deeply before saying, "Let's go to Kitsune Fox Clan now."


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