5.3 ∣ welcoming at hogwarts

Start from the beginning

Y/n was paying attention because he wanted to get back into Quiddich, until Professor Umbridge abruptly interrupted him, looking inquiringly at Y/n. 

Dumbledore, who was not significantly taller when seated than when standing, appeared to have stopped talking for a moment, but then he began speaking again

It was clear from Professor Umbridge's "Hem, hem," that she was standing up and planning to make a speech.

Professor Dumbledore only looked surprised for a moment and then he sat back down and watched Professor Umbridge attentively as if he wanted nothing more than to listen to her. Other staff members were less adept at concealing their surprise. 

Harry noticed that Professor Sprout's eyebrows had disappeared into her flyaway hair, while Professor McGonagall's mouth was as thin as he had ever seen it. 

Dumbledore had never been interrupted by another teacher before. 

Many of the students in this class were smirking; it was obvious that this woman did not understand how things were done at Hogwarts.

Y/n was one of them smirking, "Thank you, Headmaster," Professor Umbridge simpered, "for  kind words of welcome."

She had a voice that was high-pitched, breathy, and little-girlish. Y/n again wanted pencils stuck in her ears. In addition, she was wearing a pink fluffy cardigan. 

She gave another little throat-clearing cough ("hem, hem") and continued: "Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say!" She smiled, revealing very pointed teeth. "And to see such happy little faces looking back at me!"

Y/n looked around.

None of the faces he could observe at the time appeared happy; rather, they all appeared rather surprised to be addressed as if they were five years old. 

"I am looking forward to getting to know everyone, and I am sure we will be friends for life." Students exchanged looks at this; some of them were barely concealing grins. 

Grace whispered to Y/n, "I want to poke my ears.". 

"Same..." Theodore grinned with a small laugh at his two best friends. 

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered...the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster... has brought something new to this historic school...progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved...perfect what can be perfected...and prune practices that ought to be prohibited."

The only one to clap was Dumbledore, causing everyone else to slowly start clapping, "Thank you, Professor Umbridge. That was quite illuminating." Dumbledore nodded and returned to his place at the podium.

"Mind telling me what that means?" Grace asked her friends. 

"Not sure, illuminating was an understatement..." Theodore joked, looking over at the two girls. "But what did that mean..." 

Y/n sighed as she leaned towards them, knowing that no one would know if Theodore did not speak. It means that the Ministry interferes with Hogwarts," Y/n explained. "I've lived with a mother who complained about the Ministry many times"

All around them, there was an audible clatter and bang; Dumbledore had just dismissed his students and everyone was standing up to leave the hall. "Well I'll see you in the dormatory later," Y/n said looking over at Grace who nodded standing up. "I am stopping at the Gryffindor common room beforehand." 

"First years over here," Theodore called, not trusting Y/n with calling kids over knowing she would say something she wasn't supposed to. "This way," Right away the boys and girls looked at Y/n and Theodore flustered. 

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