"How about we go and grab an ice cream. I'm craving it so bad" she said in her excited voice. 

"You already eat ice cream and pudding at lunch. If you eat more ice cream you will get sick," he said in his concerned voice as he looked at her and then moved his eyes back to the road. It showed how much he cared for her. It made me roll my eyes again "a double face jerk" I muttered under my breath and kept looking out of the window. 

"Did you say something?" He asked me with his clenching jaw as he looked at me from the front mirror with a pissed expression on his face. From his face, it looked like he heard what was said but I didn't give in. 

"Nothing I was talking about with myself," I said with a sweet fake smile on my face. The tension in the air increased as we kept glaring at each other. 

"Xanthus" I heard Grace calling his name as she sensed the tension in the air. It made him break eye contact and focus on the road. 

"I still want to eat. Don't worry I won't get sick from eating ice cream again?" she said sheepishly. 

"No," he said, not agreeing with her, it made her give him her puppy eyes and all that with a blank look on my face. 

"Please let's go and eat it. Sage, tell him you want to eat it too," she said while turning her head and looking at me with pleading eyes to say yes. She looked like a child as she pleaded to me and I didn't have any reason to say no. I nodded at her with a small smile, making her smile brightly at me while he looked at me from the front mirror with his grey eyes fixed on my face. It was my way of lessening the unwanted guilt I was feeling. 

"See he too wants to eat it, let's go," she said happily in her excited voice. He looked at me for a second then sighed heavily and murmured ok and started driving towards God knows where I kept silently seated in the back seat. Soon he parked the car near an ice cream parlour and we got out of the car. Grace grabbed his arm in both of her hands like couples do when they are outing. I just kept standing at the car and looking at them with a pain I felt again revoking at the base of my heart. 

"Sage, what are you waiting for? Come fast" I heard Grace calling me as they were near the entrance door of the ice cream parlour. 

"Coming," I said with distress still on my face. I followed them in and I found them standing in front of the counter where Grace was looking at the menu with happy eyes. I didn't feel like eating anything so I took a seat at an empty table waiting for them to come back while I looked out at the busy streets. 

"Here is your ice cream," Grace said as she took the seat in front of me, making me look back at her with surprised eyes. 

"I didn't know your flavour so I brought you mine," she said with a gentle smile on her face. 

"Thank you," I said while looking at the innocent ice cream with a faint smile on my face. I felt his eyes on me as he stood at the counter to pay but I ignored him and started eating ice cream while avoiding her eyes. 

"So you work at Xanthus restaurant," she asked me as I was silently eating ice cream. 

"Yes," I said, answering her in one word. 

"So do you like working there?" she asked, making me mumble a small yes again. 

"Do you like chef staff?" she asked as she took a bite of her chocolate chip ice cream. 

"Yeah I do," I said, keeping my answer short. Like this, she asked me more questions as if she was curious to know about me. 

"Do you like Xanthus?'' was her last question which made me look at her with surprised eyes as I stopped in my tracks of tacking bite. Her question caught me off guard. 

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