Thirty Five - Pearl

Start from the beginning

We brought him back to Kings Moon's pack lands, but he refused to shift, or let anyone near him. His wolf either howled or paced non-stop, as if in constant torment. For his safety and those of the pack, I agreed to his confinement, but only because he wouldn't acknowledge me, Gunner or Willa.

"No change," he said as I pulled from his embrace, burying my face in my hands, groaning.

"What can I do to make you feel better, Pearl?"

I dropped my hands, noticing he had the same colour blue eyes as Cass. "I'm fine, just tired." It was a flat out lie.

"Why don't you sleep upstairs... in bed. Cass wouldn't mind you using his bed. In truth, when he finds out I let you sleep in here, he's gonna kick my ass."

"I just feel closer to him here." I shrugged, putting the cushion next to me.

"Hey, I know how to make you feel better." His tone was playful. "How about I make a pass at you? Kiss you again?"

What the fuck? My eyebrows pinched, unsure if I'd heard him right.

"C'mon, it might make you feel better. I kiss you. You hit me. I've heard it can be quite therapeutic!" He bumped my shoulder with his. "It always cheered Cass up—kicking my ass or trying to." he smirked.

A smile teased my lips, thankful he wasn't serious. "Thanks, but I'll pass... on the kissing, and the hitting." I placed my hand over Cassius's mark, hoping he could still feel me, and knew how much I missed him.

Clearing his throat, I looked up to see Gunner fill out the door frame, hands fisting by his side. He grunted, glaring at Orion, eyes narrowing, top lip curling.

"Okay big guy, no need to look like you wanna knock me out." Orion rose from the sofa. "I'm off to see Willa. You know where I am if you need me."

"Thanks Orion."

Gunner growled as Orion passed him. It didn't faze him as he slapped Gunner on the back, sniggering to himself.

I stood as Gunner stomped toward me. The air was punched from my lungs as he yanked me into a bear hug, Gunner style. I wrapped my arms around him and patted his back. "You look like shit, Pearl?" he mumbled.

Pulling back; his face softened. I knew he was worried about me and Sylar, although he would never say it. He was a man of action, not words.

"Thanks Gunner." He looked surprised. "I should have said that a while back—you've always looked out for me and I'm quite aware I've not been the easiest to babysit, pain in the arse."

He curled a brow and lightly nudged my chin with his fist. "Anytime kiddo." He hugged me again as I gripped his t-shirt between my fists.

"Any news with Sylar?"

He rested his head on top of mine. "No, but the others landed at five, on their way now."

Separating from his warmth, I wanted to dance on the spot. This was the best bit of news I had in forty-eight hours. Gunner had contacted Hunter when I'd returned, and I was gobsmacked to hear they were travelling here. "How long?"

"We need to leave in an hour."

That gave me time. "Good. I'm gonna check on Sylar and Willa and then we can head to the border and meet them, yeah?"

"I'll meet you out front, I need to see Eve."

Meeting his mate had brought a sense of calm and peace to the man, and I couldn't be happier for him.

~ ~

It was cold as I made my way to the building where they'd confined Sylar. I knew it as the Pack Holding House. I guess you could call it a jail, but it didn't have bars and all the doors, from what I could see, had no locks. But outside someone always stood guard. Today, it surprised me to see Carmel, the pack's Zeta, standing with two other pack members who I'd not seen before.

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