Thirty Four - Cassius / Wolf

Start from the beginning

I closed my eyes.

"Let me, let us help you, Alpha," beseeched Seth.

The Jinn threw an image of me with my hands wrapped around Seth's throat, snapping his neck, the life vanishing from his eyes. "Watch your tone Beta, my patience grows thin."

A wall of silence settled between us.

My wolf grumbled, and I cursed my entire handling of this situation. But it was better that I kept him... all of them at arm's length. If the Jinn should take control of me, I feared what it might do.

"You do not need to fear or worry for me Seth. My mind is occupied with the witch and finding the boy." Thankfully, Seth knew when to stay quiet. "But thank you for your concern."

He stared straight ahead, followed by a sharp nod.

More time passed as I lowered my window. The city lights were now behind us as we drove through smaller towns. The smell was cleaner here compared to that of the city. "Did you contact their Alpha Ryker, Seth?"

He shook his head. "No. But that is not unusual."

The Nightsbane's current Alpha Ryker was a good wolf and earned my respect. Their pack was situated to the far north of us, In Logan's Pass. Once we arrived, it would still be quite a trek and no doubt be dark.

~ ~

Finally arriving, my tiredness was palpable, having only slept a handful of hours in the last few days. I clenched my jaw, I could not allow myself to rest, fearful the Jinn would take advantage. But now we trekked our way up through the pass. In times past, I'd seen this pack's location as a blessing, but today it was a curse. And now, with the hour so late, it left us little time.

I tried to focus as Seth, Noah and Nile plotted strategy. Nile remained quieter than usual. I still hadn't had time to discuss what he'd seen at the Blue-Night Pack. We would talk when all this was settled.

"It's beautiful here," remarked Noah.

Man's world was now far behind us and stretching before us was a vast wilderness with hilly terrain and forest beyond what we could see from the ground. Looking up at the towering maples, dusk had settled, and the temperature rapidly dropped. Add in a moonless night and a storm brewing to the west of us and my nerves ran on edge.

"Carmel approaches." My Zeta, Carmel had scoped out the territory as we arrived within their borders.

"You feel that?" asked Seth, sniffing the air.

I did, rushes of unease passed over my skin, pricking each hair.

'I'm in the mood for heart, and the fluid between the spinal cord, such a delicacy,' chortled the Jinn.  I ignored it.

'The witch is here,' said Carmel

The jinn cackled its delight. 'To kill kin is one of life's satisfying prizes.'

'Silence Demon.'

'Or do you wish to taste the witch first, Alpha?' asked the Jinn.

I paused, not understanding.

'Ah, you do. You want to indulge in the flesh. Forbidden fruit is the sweetest of rewards, only matched by consuming one's soul.'

Was it suggesting I wanted to have sex with my sister, a blood relative? The mere idea brought bile to my gullet. I wouldn't satisfy it with an answer, but my wolf snarled his response.

Averting my eyes, Carmel shifted, accepting clothing from Seth.

"She's out in the open, Alpha. No attempt to conceal herself."

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