I could feel the tension on my face melt as I let out a soft laugh. "awww..."

It rolled onto its back, asking for a more thorough rub. The belly felt like very soft leather, making it very smooth to rub. I took a closer look at its claws and found it interesting that it had actual claws although they were only pointy and not sharp. The only thing that was hard was its horns, which were surprisingly sharp as well. I couldn't help but compare it to the beak a bird would use to crack itself out of its shell.

"Aren't you just a cute Lil fella?" My smile widened while petting this adorable newborn, to the point where it seemed intoxicating.

After a little bit, I couldn't help but think of what to name it, which made me realize I didn't even know the gender of this mysterious creature.

"Wra~!" Suddenly the newborn shot its tongue out and licked the underside of my right forearm.

"Ah!" I reflexively tried to move my arm back from the sensation of being shocked, but before I could, a glowing blue light began enveloping my arm.

The prickling pain subsided fairly quickly so I just waited. The creature pulled its tongue back, revealing a blue marking on my forearm.

It looked a lot like the markings that covered Bahamut when he used Storm soul before he passed it on to along with his will but the shape of this pattern was that of a wing. Just one open wing, but it was made up of several dashes and sharp curves that branched out, making it look very intricate and mysterious.

I was only nine but I already had a tattoo... Does this make me emo or some shit?


The creature was looking up at me with its mouth closed.

wait a second? I obviously heard a voice just now.

'Mama?' This time I heard it clearly in my head.

ahh, sooo this is the telepathic connection art has with Silvie and Regis.

Shaking my head helplessly, I responded vocally, "I guess I'm your mom. But I'm a guy so you should call me dad."

'dad!' It suddenly jumped up and licked my nose.

hopefully, he doesn't pick up my swearing.

After communicating with the fella for a bit, I had come to realize a few things. The voice I heard in my head from the creature sounded like a boy so I've decided to name him Zephyr after a god of wind.


"Zephyr~?" he responded with her head tilted.

Picking her up and bringing him close to my face, I smiled at him, "Yes! Your name is Zephyr."

he nuzzled his nose to mine while closing hir sharp eyes.

Another thing I realized was that Zephry had a pretty high intelligence for a newborn. he already seemed to have the mental capacity of a 3-4-year-old child. While we're communicating telepathically, I knew he's not necessarily talking to me in English but I just understood it like that. It was a very odd feeling, not knowing the words he's actually saying but knowing what he meant. Besides simple words like "dad", most of the thoughts he communicated with me come through as emotions. I was able to get the gist of what he meant by how he felt.

"Okay, Zephyr! I need to wash off now. you wanna come with me?" I said while setting him down.

"wra~?" he tilted his head again while he looked up at me. I felt like he was asking me what "wash" was so I just laughed and took her with me.

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