"Art's parents..." I faintly heard her mumble.

Grandpa Virion clapped his hands together and stood up.

"Okay! Arthur! Let's let your parents know that you're alive!"

According to Grandpa Virion, strict regulations controlled communications between the Kingdom of Elenoir and Sapin. However, Rinia, being a diviner not discovered by the Kingdom of Sapin, allowed us a certain unregulated freedom in a sense.

"How this process will work is that I will pour some of my innate mana into you, establishing a temporary link. When I give you the signal, start speaking as if you're talking to your parents. It's important to know that they will hear your voice inside their heads so they may not believe what you're saying at first. Make sure to get them to believe that it really is you that's speaking to them and that they're not going crazy. Remember, we're just doing this to let them know you're still alive. I'm going to emit your voice directly into both your parents' minds. I can't keep the connection up for long so say what you need to within two minutes," she asserted, a serious gaze from her eyes.

Nodding at this, I prepare myself as well.

"Begin... NOW!"

Her whole body began glowing the same color as her eyes and I could see the same glow spreading onto me as well.

Taking a deep breath, I started talking.

Hi Mom, hi Dad. It's me, your son Arthur. You're probably really surprised that you're hearing my voice inside your head, huh? Well, there's a reason for that. Before that though, I want you to know that I'm alive and safe Al saved me and he is ok as well. Again, We are alive and well Mom, Dad. I managed to survive the fall off the cliff and we are currently living in the Kingdom of Elenoir with the elves. Please don't tell anyone else this. I don't have much time so I'll only say the things most crucial. A friend of mine is a deviant like your mom, except she's a diviner so I was able to see how you guys are doing just now as well. She is also the one that is allowing you guys to be able to hear my voice. we want to go back to you guys as soon as possible but sadly we can't right now. No, I'm safe and alive right now but we both have a sort of er... illness with our bodies that we both need to get rid of before we can go back. Don't worry, as long as we stay here and have the elves treat the both of us, I'm 100% okay. So please, don't worry. I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you guys like this again, but what's important is that I'm alive and I know you guys are as well. Dad, Mom, both of you guys should be hearing my voice right now so confirm it with each other if you still can't believe this. Remember; don't tell anyone where we are right now. Better yet, just keep it as if I was still dead to make things simpler. It may take months or even years for us to be able to go back but just be sure that WE WILL be going back home. I love you guys *sniff* so much and I miss you. Stay safe, and Dad, make sure to keep Mom and my baby sibling safe. Mom *sniff*, please make sure dad doesn't get into trouble. Your son, Art."

I had trouble keeping my eyes open from the tears that continuously poured down. I simply stood silent, rubbing my eyes as I did all I could from breaking down. The glow faded around both of us and Elder Rinia collapsed back into her chair, sweating and pale.

"Elder Rinia, I don't know how to thank you for this," I managed to croak out.

"Train well and continue to cherish those close to you, child. That's how you'll thank me. Also! Don't forget to drop in once in a while. This grandma here gets lonely kekeke~!" She answered with a weak smile.

I gave her a tight hug, making her almost jump, she eventually succumbed to my cuteness and hugged me in return before shooing all of us away.


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