Tessia landed in the arms of her mother who started sobbing at this point on their knees, both burying their face in their daughter's shoulders.

The last to arrive was an old man well past his prime. His facial features are all sharp, with a gaze that could kill someone on contact. His hair was pure white and was tied in the back, face cleanly shaven. This elderly man didn't say anything, but his eyes did warm up a little when he saw Tessia.

there's that crazy old man Virion, Hopefully, he doesn't get a heart attack from what I can do, only Bahamut does but he is likely dead.

It took several minutes for Tessia and her parents to settle down. In the meantime, the guards were glaring at Arthur and me with daggers in their eyes, as even the elder was eyeing us curiously, especially me because he can probably see the blue shell seeing as he should be mid silver stage.

The King finally stood up and while his eyes were red, he still carried an air of dignity. "As the King of Elenoir and the father of Tessia, I must apologize for this unsightly appearance of mine, and more importantly, I wish to thank you both for escorting my daughter back home safely," he stated, his voice coming out a bit hoarse. "Please accompany us to our home so that you may rest. After, you can tell us what happened."

His tone was gentle but implied that there wasn't really an option, so I simply nodded in consent Arthur had the same idea and did the same, As I was about to follow behind them, Tessia came to me and grabbed us by our hands again, filling the surrounding people with expressions of shock. I couldn't help but chuckle uncomfortably as I scratched the side of my head, unable to muster up the appropriate words for a situation like this.

After a strenuously awkward ride that seemed a lot longer than it actually had been, we arrived at the castle. Rather than a castle, however, it looked to be an enormous tree. This tree, which probably needed at least a few hundred people locking arms to encircle it, was made of a white stone that looked like petrified wood.

we passed through the front doors of the tree, I was pleasantly surprised to see how impressive the interior of this castle was. There were two curved staircases that created a circle, with a gigantic chandelier floating in the middle of it. This chandelier seemed to be made of the same orbs of light that were dotted throughout the city.

"your majesties, we are not too tired from the journey back here so we can discuss it now if you wish." Arthur addressed Tess's parents and they accepted the offer.

knowing a few of the guards would be outraged at something, I subtly cast storm magic forming the magic for an ice sword for Arthur, A ice halberd shortened for my size, and a turbulence wind spell to get some distance if needed. I stored them in my core to be shot out at a second's notice, they would see it as an instantaneous spell with no chant but they wouldn't dare attack knowing I could do it.

The welcoming crew was all situated around the rectangular dining table downstairs. Tessia's father was on the far end of the table with me and Arthur directly opposite of him. Tessa's mother sat perpendicular to her husband, with Tessia seated right next to her. The grandpa was sitting across from the mother and daughter, leaving a pretty big gap between us, while the five guards stood off to the side behind the King.

I leaned into Arthur's ear whispering so none could hear.

"you take the lead on the conversation, If things go south I'll toss you a Ice sword."

"Got it" was all he said back, It was all he needed to say.

With both his elbows resting on the table, fingers intertwined, the King was the first to speak. "Child. What did you say your names were?"

tbate | The Storm Gods Chosen [Dropped]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें