Chapter 41

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Writing this chapter made me mad all over again for Tremaine 😐 My poor baby. Here we go.

Soleil POV

"I missed you dad, thanks for coming" I said getting in the car with my father, he came down to see me. And of course I take whatever time I can get with him.

"I told you I would, how you been Nook?" He asked me.

"I'm coo, I'm coo. You?" I asked.

"I'm straight, how's Tremaine?" My dad asked.

"He's great, he would've joined but him and his brothers are doing a few things for his mother today" I said.

And also, Tremaine was going through a lot at this time. He has a court case following his most recent arrest, because of his brother snitching on him. So we've been hoping he doesn't have to go back to jail, but I didn't wanna disclose all of that information to my dad.

"Oh that's fine, there's always another day. How's his clothing line coming? He almost done?" My dad asked.

"Yeah he made about 10 pairs of sweatshirts, and sweatsuits as well. He just got the logo up and running so, he's really excited" I said with a smile.

"That's good, he tryna stay right and outta trouble. So tell him to hook a nigga up wit a sweatsuit" My dad said to me and I laughed.

"I got you" I said.

"Aight coo. Oh and I rolled up a wood for us too, so we can get some food, and smoke. You down?" My dad said.

"Yeaaaaah I'm down" I said making him laugh. My dad been a vibe.

"Aight coo let's do it" He said.


"So what you been up to Zay? My dad asked me as he took a puff of the blunt, exhaling and we were in the parking lot of Wing Stop eating as well.

"Working, working, working. Being with Tremaine and-"

"Taking care of your mama?" He asked, I looked over at him and sighed.

"I'm trying" I said.

"How's that going?" He asked.

"Well, I got her placed in a program" I said.

"Sober living or is it a recovery rehabilitation program?" My dad asked.

"Rehabilitation program, once she completes that she can do sober living. I'm just glad they're giving her a second chance" I said.

"Second chance?" He said.

"Mhm" I replied.

"What do you mean?" He asked me.

"Well, she had her dealer bring her drugs so she relapsed, got paranoid and went to the hospital" I said and my dad sighed.

"Same shit... Different day" He said shaking his head passing the blunt over to me.

"Yeah... But we had a talk, and she agreed to cut ties with her dealer, so once she gets out the hospital in a few days I'm gonna bring her back to the program to start over again. I'm doing my best to motivate her and let her know I have her back.." I said taking a puff and I exhaled through my mouth, before passing the blunt back to my dad.

"And before we go any further in this conversation, I just wanna tell you I think you're doing a very good thing for your mother. And for me Doing everything you're doing, loving on her even though she hurt you, taking your sister's side on everything, you still tryna help her. And with me, forgiving me and your mother for not being there. Having you and your sister in the system because I was incarcerated and your mom was on drugs. Nook you got a heart of gold..." My dad said to me and I looked over at him as my eyes watered.

Soleil & Tremaine (A love story) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon