Chapter 30

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Soleil POV

"How's she doing?" I asked the doctor as I got back to the hospital, to check on my mom.

"She's doing well, she's right in the room eating if you'd like to see her." He said.

"Okay, thank you" I said.

"No problem, it's the first door on the left" He said and I nodded my head as I walked to the first room, seeing her in there and eating what looked like soup.

"Hey mom.." I said and she looked at me and smiled.

"Hey Lay, how are you?" She asked me.

"That's what I came to ask you, but I'm good. How are you doing? How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Shit, I'll be better when they get me the fuck outta here" My mom said chuckling.

"Well, they're gonna look for a program for you. One that'll keep you there." I said.

She sighed and said "Lay why do I have to go to a program?"

"You need help" I said.

"I can handle it" My mom said.

"Mom do you remember what happened the day you showed up at my house?" I asked.

"No" She said.

"Would you like me to tell you?" I asked and she sighed.

"Sure." My mom said.

"You came to my house, high. And you were yelling my name and also talking to yourself. And you were talking fast. I remember before me and Desireè got sent to CPS, you used to do that. Me and her used to see that. So seeing you like that again the other day really broke my heart, I know it's a hard addiction to break but I need you to try. You need help, and if you go to a program you can get the help you need and get better" I said.

"You think so?" She asked.

"Yes.." I said.

"Well I guess you're right. It's been years and nothing has changed so... Maybe I should." My mom said. I was surprised she was actually being open minded.

"And you're still young, you have time to get your groove back." I said.

My mom isn't even 40 yet. Shit, neither is my dad. They had me and Desireè mad young.

"So you saying I lost my groove? Huh?" My mom said folding her arms and we both laughed.

"No but I just know you're capable of better and more. That's all" I said and she smiled.

"You look beautiful" She said and I was shocked that she even complimented me.

Really shocked.

"Oh- Thank you" I said.

"Shittttt you look just like me" My mom said and we both laughed.

"I know.. I hear that a lot" I said.

"I heard Trayvion got out of jail" She said, referring to my dad.

"How you know?" I asked before confirming anything.

"Me and him have a mutual friend, our big homie Dub. Dub told me" She said.

"Ohhh. Have you talked to dad?" I asked.

"Nah, I don't have no contact with him right now. But I do wanna talk to Trayvion, so if Dub has any contact information I'll just ask him the next time he calls me" My mom said.

"Oh okay" I said. For some reason it wouldn't shock me if my mom still had some lingering feelings for my dad. It wouldn't surprise me at all.

Because the moment she mentioned his name I could just tell she started thinking a lot.

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