Chapter 20

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Soleil POV

"Oh! Diana come in" I said giving her a hug.

"Sorry for just dropping by but I have something's for you" She said.

"Oh it's no problem" I said, then Tremaine walked in the room and looked at us.

"Diana, I know you know about Tremaine already but now you guys can officially meet. Tremaine this is my social worker Diana, but she's more than that to me as you know. Diana this is my boyfriend, my everything Tremaine." I said.

"Yep, heard so much about you" Tremaine said with a smile holding his hand out and Diana smiled too shaking it.

"Same here! It's nice to meet you Tremaine" She said.

"You as well, I'll leave you guys to it" Tremaine said walking back in my room.

"So wassup?" I asked Diana as we sat down on the couch.

"Well, as you know I'll be out the state for the next two weeks to see my mother" She said.

"Yeah" I said.

"And before I leave I wanted to give you something real quick" She said and I rose my eyebrows.

"Okay..." I said kinda nervous for some reason.

"You remember when you seen that picture of your mother and Desireè when you were 17, when I told you that she took Desireè in. And they had matching charm necklaces and you were... Just hurt." Diana said and I sighed.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, I know it's been four years but... I seen this and I just- I had to." Diana said handing me a little box and I scrunched my eyebrows.

I shook the box and she laughed saying "Girl just open it" and I laughed too.

I opened the box and it was a beautiful heart Diamond necklace, with my name engraved on it.

Side note: Still wear it everyday 💙

I gasped a little in shock, and seen on the box it said..

"To my bad ass daughter, whenever you feel unloved, inadequate, neglected, unworthy, or abandoned, remember who's daughter you are and straighten your crown. I will love you always.


"And by bad ass, I mean that in a good way." She said.

"I know. Aww Diana..." I said looking over at her and she smiled holding her necklace she had on, and it was the same one she got me but with her name engraved on it.

I couldn't even help it, my eyes watered.

"Oh my gosh" I said as I covered my face.

The fact that she took the time to get that done, something that she remembered from years back, meant a lot to me.

"Aww Soleil come here" She said scooting closer to me and she wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"I know I'm not your mother Soleil, but you're the closest thing to a daughter I've ever had. And I love watching the woman you are becoming. I met you when you were what... 11, 12? Closed off, angry, hurt. And every day I see you take your power back. So I just wanted to show you there's SOMEONE who cares. I always did and I always will." Diana said.

"I know. Thank you so much" I said still hugging her.

"No problem, I love you." She said.

"I love you too." I said back, I heard her sniffle and I pulled away seeing she was crying.

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