Ch 10 The Begining Of The Journy

Start from the beginning

she immediately stormed off to hunt him down, sorry to whoever she finds you will be remembered.

Later that day

"Guy's, I think it's time we get Art and Alex a proper mentor."

A *clang* drowned out the silence as Alice, Hellen, and Durden dropped their forks onto her plate.

"What? Reynolds! Arthur isn't even four yet! No! Besides, you said if our son was an augmenter, you'd be able to teach him!" Mother spoke with evident desperation.

"I, also, never expected our son to be this much of a prodigy in mana manipulation. Who has ever heard of awakening at the age of three?" Father responded a lot more calmly.

"But that means he'll have to leave home! He's only four, Reynolds! We can't have our baby leave home at such an early age!"

"You don't get it. When I observed his body while he meditated, I couldn't help but feel that all of this was natural to him. Alice honey, I'm holding my son back by trying to teach him something he can do in his sleep."

Thus began my Arthurs' quarrel.

Meanwhile, the twin horns were all having a sensible debate about it excluding Adam. They mostly went in circles saying that I'm too young or that we have been traveling since they took me in.

"how about we all go together to Xyrus and have them meet some mentors or get their cores tested?" Adam shot out, everyone and I mean Everyone turned around and just looked at him dumbfounded.


They all just looked back to each other to make sure they didn't hallucinate it, then there were murmurs of "Did he just say something smart?" "no your hearing things it is Adam we're talking about."

Later on, they agreed on that plan after Reynolds said it again. Me and Art both packed our gear and I made sure I had my small hatchet on my hip. we packed our food and dried rations, I told Arthur to bring more food and water because he only packed enough for the day when it's a three-week-long trip.

Hellen and Adam went to grab the wagons and returned a few minutes later, me and Arthur hoped on the same one with the rest of the twin horns on the other, and like that we left ashber, my home for 3 and a half years since I came here.


By nightfall, the once distant mountain range seemed to have doubled in size. I wondered how big the Grand Mountain Range would be when we reached the foot.

We eventually stopped to set up camp near a small cluster of boulders. It was a good spot with the rocks blocking off nearly all of the wind and a lot of scrap wood from fallen branches to use a campfire.

The one thing I detested the most about this body was how much sleep I required. Despite being asleep for most of the way, I still felt a bit heavy-eyed after being awake for a mere few hours.

After setting up a couple of tents around the fire, Helen pulled me aside and asked about the Shell on my core, I just told her that it's still there but I felt fine after she examined my core a bit she let me go.

Arthur had his spar with Adam which he lost but because Adam had hit Arthur a bit too hard and sent him skidding back a few feet Durden had decided that Adam would be skidding a few feet face first with no warning.

Arthur taught them feint step I learned from him as well which had taken me about A hour or so of constant attempts and looking closely at Art's demonstration.

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