Hellen Shard Pov

We had just finished an A-class dungeon and had come back to Ashbern to celebrate Arthur, and Al's birthdays although we were a bit early, they had snuck off to play in the forest because all the men in our party had gotten drunk and Adam had gone blackout drunk, we were going over the story of fighting a boss monster in a B-class dungeon.

"and that's Adam's spear snapped because he used the thing in a small tunnel and a mana best hit it when it got stu-"


"WHAT WAS THAT!?" we all shouted in unison and Adam slurred it. we all ran out to see some birds flying out of the forest, and we realized that Arthur and Alex were still out there in the forest alone.

Without a word we all grabbed our weapons and ran into the forest at a blinding speed, after a bit, we saw an area of fallen trees with splinters scattered everywhere we looked into the crater and we saw him.


My son had the all but noticeable translucent barrier flickering around him. Better yet, the repulsion of his awakened powers was what caused this explosion. He was floating in the center of a crater that cleared, A decently sized chunk of the forest.


My legs gave out and I just landed on my knees while my jaw hung loose. My son was almost three years old when he awakened.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry

"Reynolds! Honey!"

I glanced back at my wife with my mouth still agape from shock. She managed to slowly make her way towards me after the rest of the twin horns showed up.

She was making half-steps towards me, covering her face with her arms to shield what she could from the strong pushing force still emanating out of Art.

"Reynolds! What happened? What's going on? Where's Art?"

Still unable to find the strength to speak, I simply pointed towards the direction of our son.

While confused, she looked in the direction I was pointing at and all she could manage to whisper was, "Oh my..."

I Augmented myself, shielded Alice from the pushing force, And slid down the crater towards Arthur who opened his eyes and looked at me

"I'm sorry Mom, Dad. Am I in trouble?"

"Haha... No Art honey, you're not in trouble. We were just worried about you. I'm glad you're alright." My wife managed to chuckle through half teary eyes.

"My boy is a genius! Awakened at the age of less than three! This is unprecedented! I thought I was fast, but jeez!"

"Also Arthur where is Alexander?" my worry apparent in my tone.

" AL? that way" he pointed to an area deeper in the forest. I looked towards Hellen I gave her a curt nod and they ran off towards him without a word.

Hellen Shard Pov

We ran off at our top speed I augmented my eyes and in the distance I saw Alex sitting down on the ground looking like he was, meditating!? when Suddenly the air changed we got within 50 meters of him when all the manna in the air suddenly was sucked towards him, all the mana around him in a 100-meter radius just rushed into him, The leaves on the ground all danced in the wind of pure mana rushing to him, they left a spiral pattern as they were blown on the ground.

The mana all being pulled towards him suddenly stopped flowing into him and we felt pure refined mana rush out of him colliding with the mana that was being pulled in, that's when I saw it a bolt of lightning flew off of him and struck the ground and instead of it scorching the ground it FROZE IT!!, The absence of mana in the air felt sickening.

"DURDEN SHEILD NOW AS MANNY AS YOU CAN!!" I shouted my instincts were screaming at me to run.

"GATHER AND GAURD MY ALLIES. O BENEVOLENT EARTH; DO NOT LET THEM BE HARMED, EARTH WALL!!" Durden shouted his chant earth mana overflowing out of him as he drained his core to put up 3 earthen walls.

"Submit, O wind, and follow my will. I command and gather you around in protection. Wind Barrier!" Jasmine and Angela chanted as well Jasmine helping by supplying more wind mana.

BOOOOOM!! a deafening explosion rang out

The mana around Alexander exploded out, The shockwave destroyed all of Durdens earthen wals, and the wind barrier just barely stopped the explosion from hitting us.

we looked down at the massive crater left behind only to see Alex floating above the ground for a few seconds before falling down fainting. but the ground at the bottom of the crater was Frosted over. the heat from our boots melted it, but this was from ice mana!?

We slid down the steep slope and picked Alex up the air was freezing down here but he was perfectly warm just like when we found him.

"The kids are gonna be terrifying when they grow up." I heard Rey yell down from the edge of the hole.

"You got that one right Rey, But I think Alex wins." I shot back

I put my hand on Al's sternum to check his new mana core but what I saw shocked me. Why the hell does his mana core have a blue-tinted shell of mana over it??


A/N 1449 words thats pretty sure this is my longest chapter and god damm are my wrists sore. And to those wondering about the shell on his core i got the idea from Dark_Descendant's fan fic but I am taking a very different approach to it. its just a few ideas i have to iron out but it will be interesting.

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