Chapter 5 Part 7: Exploring the Bunker

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Your POV:

    We all managed to get into what was now known as the "Exisal Bunker" with help from Monokuma. It was said that this area was useless now just because the Monokubs weren't here to control the Exisals.
    I knew I was confused on why Monokuma even showed all of us this area. I couldn't understand it one bit, but he left before I could even mention something about that.
    Miu was having an argument with Tsumugi, and like always, Miu always had a dirty remark ready. It's not like I could change how Miu spoke to others, but it would make this investigation more interesting. I did know it was time to investigate. I knew we had to focus.
    "I hate to break up the chitchat, but we should really be investigating," Rantaro explained, "I'm talking about you, Miu."
    "Maybe you should take some time to investigate (y/n) in her most sacred places," Miu replied with a lustful look on her face.
     While Miu was making that look, I had a shocked expression on my face. All Rantaro did was tell Miu to focus on investigating, but now, she was telling him that he should be investigating my unmentionables. This reminded me about what she was saying when she wanted us to go into the Virtual World. I honestly thought she would've learned not to say stuff like that about me, but I guess not.
    "Miu, don't say stuff like that," Rantaro spoke, "if you even upset my girlfriend, you aren't going to like what I have to say."
    "Heeeeee!" Miu exclaimed in response, "okay, f-fine! I won't say anything about (y/n) anymore..."
    "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?" Rantaro asked with a small smile, "alright, now we need to investigate."
    I nodded lightly in response to his words. I knew Rantaro was trying his best to be there for me. He always did that, and it made me feel safe with him. Even in an environment like this, I felt safe when I was with Rantaro.
    "So, princess, what would you like to investigate first?" Rantaro asked.
    "Let's see..." I trailed off.
     I found myself looking around after those words came out of my mouth. I honestly had no idea what to investigate first. Maybe I should go with something that I could easily figure out.
    I was still looking around, when I saw something. There was an area in this room that actually reminded me of something in the real world. Anyone could've mistaken it for a car wash. It had the scrubbers, full of bright color. It really was like seeing something from the real world.
     "Hey, Rantaro, that looks like a car wash," I explained, pointing at the area my eyes were in contact with, "I think it's to clean the Exisals, but it still reminds me of car washes."
    "You're right about that, princess," Rantaro replied, "too bad I don't like cars that much. I prefer not to use them..."
I could feel myself glance up at Rantaro as those words came out of his mouth. When he mentioned that he disliked cars, I found myself knowing another thing about Rantaro. Rantaro basically knew my whole life story from the beginning. He knew much more about me than I did of him. I wanted to get to know Rantaro more like he got to know me. There was just one question on my mind.
"Why do you dislike cars, Rantaro?" I asked, "don't tell me you got into a car accident!"
"It's not anything like that, so don't worry," Rantaro laughed in response, "I can't put my finger on it right now, but there's just some reason I'm not fond of cars."
'I guess he doesn't know why he doesn't like cars...' I thought, 'and I thought I was going to find out more on why he doesn't like cars...'
I felt my cheeks puff up slightly as a response to Rantaro's words. I was frustrated not only because I wanted to get to know more things about him, but it was also because Rantaro seemed to not know much about himself. Whatever this may be... it might be connected to his talent somehow.
"...That seems comfortable," Keebo's voice chimed.
Rantaro and I found ourselves looking at Keebo in response to that. It wasn't just us either. Everyone who was with us in this room was staring at Keebo as he had his eyes set on the car wash area for the Exisals. Of course Keebo would say that. He was a robot after all. If I told him that, then he would say that I'm "Robophobic".
"...Comfortable, huh?" Shuichi asked nervously.
"Keebo, don't you dare go into that flimsy fuckin' car wash!" Miu exclaimed angrily, "I can clean you way better than that rusty ol' thing can!"
'Of course you would say that Miu...' I thought with a sigh, 'well, I guess I'm done investigating the car wash... I need to check somewhere else...'
I decided to start looking around this area again. Not far from the car wash area, there were what looked like robotic arms connected to a mechanism that could move it around. The end of it had some sort of spraying tool on it. My guess was that this mechanism was something used to paint the Exisals. Those things were huge, so it made sense on why a painting machine would be needed.
    That wasn't the only thing that led me to think this was a painting machine. I could smell what smelled like spray paint and paint thinner. It felt like my nostrils were burning from the pungency. It was basically similar to opening nail polish and nail polish remover.
    "That machine up there is probably used to paint the Exisals," Rantaro explained, "I mean you can differentiate the Exisals based off of the color. This machine is probably what colored them."
    "I agree," Keebo replied, "this machine was probably used to paint the Exisals. If I wanted to, I could probably use this machine to give me a makeover."
"I don't think you need a makeover," Shuichi chimed in, "you're great just the way you are, Keebo!"
"Well, of course I am!" Keebo exclaimed.
If Keebo knew that he was perfect just the way he was, why did he feel the need to mention a makeover. I knew how it felt to feel like you needed a makeover to look better when in fact that wasn't true. Sometimes, self doubt could show itself, but if support is there, everything will be okay.
I knew that I needed to keep investigating this area. So far, I've covered the car wash area and the painting machine. There was definitely more to investigate, and there was something that I had a slight interest in investigating.
There was a huge and powerful machine to the right of where I was standing. It looked like it was some sort of hydraulic press. Perhaps this was used to scrap machine parts or even Exisals. I didn't really know much about machines like this. All I knew was the fact that it looked pretty dangerous to me.
"This thing is probably used to scrap the useless Exisal parts!" Miu exclaimed, "this hydraulic press is so big! I want to take it apart and see how it works!"
"Miu, you are right about the chances of this machine being used to scrap Exisals," Keebo explained, "after all, not even those things could survive being crushed by a giant metal slab. I don't think you should take apart the machine. Not yet anyway."
"True," Rantaro mused, "before we do anything, we need to make sure we have all of the information we can get from this place."
I knew Rantaro was right about that. We needed to investigate everything in here before we even think about using it or touching it in any way. There had to be some way to control this machine, and Keebo explained that there was a control panel for the hydraulic press.
I pulled Rantaro along with me in order to get a closer look at it. I found a panel with three different buttons. Two of them were blackish, while the button in the center was red. The two black buttons were used for up and down controls, while the red was an emergency stop button. There was also a safety notice written there as well.

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now