Chapter 5 Part 3: Giving Gonta Confidence

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Your POV:

In all recent events, a lot has happened. This morning, most of us were in the dining hall, excluding Kokichi, Gonta, and Kiyo. After breakfast, we got a visit from Monokuma, who supposedly sent his *cubs* on vacation, so now he was defenseless and all alone.
That meant, in their stead, Monokuma was the one who gave us our prizes which included two keys that shared many differences. Both of them had a similar name, being the "Last Real Key", as well as the "Real Last Key". Honestly, this always happened, even if someone was brought back. I didn't know if it was a certain period of time that Monokuma wanted to have had find new places, or if it was supposed to be after a murder happened. Chances were, it was somehow the mastermind's plan to let this happen.
    "See ya later!" Monokuma exclaimed after giving us our prize, "bye-onara!"
    After that was said, Monokuma popped away as soon as he got here. He was only here for a couple of minutes at best. I could feel myself let out a sigh as I knew what I was planning on doing before the investigation. For now though, I needed to see what everyone else wanted to do.
    "Awwww..." Angie muttered in a sad tone, "Monokuma stole my way of saying goodbye to people..."
    "Yeah, I kinda saw that..." Kaede muttered in response, "but there is one thing on my mind. What should we do?"
    "Kaede is right," Tsumugi replied, "what should we do about the new areas?"
    "I think we should prioritize searching for the new area over searching for Kokichi," Keebo explained in response, "it likely contains a Flashback Light, and we may discover some new facts."
    I honestly understood what Keebo was saying, but as thought about before... there was something I wanted to do before we searched for the new areas. I wanted to give Gonta courage and strength. Things it seemed like he lost yesterday when everything was revealed by both Kokichi and Miu. Fact was, Gonta didn't remember any of it, and despite that... we knew he did it to try and keep us from losing hope.
    "Before we start looking, there's something I want to do," I explained, "I want to talk with Gonta about what happened. I want to give him the will to continue being an amazing friend... you guys all know that feeling too, right? Gonta has always been kind to us, and I think we should show that same kindness to him that he gave us. I know he tried to murder Miu, but his alter ego explained that he did it to keep us safe. I think he deserves our forgiveness."
    Everyone seemed to stay silent for a moment. It was as if they were processing what I was saying. It was understandable. I couldn't help but feel the weight of the silence on me as I continued to wait for the responses everyone would make. The silence was overwhelming and I could feel it weighing over me like a weight.
"I think (y/n) is right," Kirumi explained, "I mean, I was given a second chance, so I think talking to Gonta would be a good thing to do."
"Nyahahaha!" Angie exclaimed, "Gonta has always been so kind! We should try to encourage him! I defiantly still want to be his friend!"
"I still have the suspicion that Kokichi fuckin' manipulated Gonta," Miu muttered, "as much as I want to blame that softy, he's too gullible to realize he has been tricked. Ah, hell with it! Let's fuckin' do it!"
It seemed that everyone soon started to converse about motivating Gonta. They seemed to agree that his kind nature rose above everything else. I wanted to help him. That was my motivation, and that motivation was spreading to everyone. We gave Kirumi a second chance... we gave Angie a second chance. If that was the case, then why wouldn't we give Gonta a chance.
Rantaro was agreeing with this statement as well, and he looked at me with a smile. He then did something that he always did to praise me. He ruffled my hair with a smile, chucking lightly as he did so. He always seemed to do this whenever he was proud of me.
"You are still so sweet, (y/n)," Rantaro told me, "you are right about Gonta needing to be encouraged. I think we should do that before we investigate. It's all you, princess."
Everyone seemed to agree. Shuichi decided that he would hold onto the two keys in order to give me some time to talk to Gonta. They all agreed that they would stay in the dining hall to wait for me. I agreed that I would return with Gonta, and they all seemed at ease.
I found myself making my way back to the dormitory through the door that led to the outside. I slowly made my way to the dormitory. I had slightly heaviness of anxiety weighing over me. A thought that occurred to me during this situation was the fact that I was alone. Not only that, but I had no idea where Kokichi was. He had a tendency to pop up unexpectedly, so I found myself looking around.
If he was the mastermind, he was probably waiting for a time where I'd be alone to kill me. In response to that thought, I found myself moving faster and faster. My legs moved on their own, moving from going slowly, to trampling in a quick way. I was running. I could feel my lungs burn slightly from the running.
I soon got to the dormitory. I entered the doors, and I felt myself hunch over, placing my hands on my knees. I took a few moments, letting myself catching my breath. Soon enough, I let myself stand up straight. I turned my head looking for Gonta's door, and I soon I found his door. I walked over to it, and I rang the doorbell.
    It was silent a few moments after I rang the doorbell. After a few moments, I decided to ring the bell again, once again waiting. I was waiting for Gonta to come to the door, but sadly, he didn't. Maybe he would feel more at ease if I said who was at the door.
    "Gonta, it's (y/n)," I called out through the door, "I was hoping to talk to you for a bit. Can you let me in?"
    I once again waited a few moments to hear a response. I was honestly worried about Gonta. I didn't even know if he was in his room or not. He had to be in his room. If not, then where else would he be? I knew I had to be patient with him. Gonta was going through a lot of emotions, and he was probably trying to deal with those emotions alone... like me.
    "Why (y/n) here...?" Gonta's voice finally said, "why you want to talk to Gonta? Gonta almost murdered Miu. Why do (y/n) want to talk to Gonta when Gonta almost took a life?"
    "Gonta, just please let me come in..." I muttered, "no one wants to see you going through this alone. Please let me help."
    Gonta was silent in response to that. It was silent again after I said those words. Chances were... Gonta was thinking about what I was saying. He was probably trying to make a choice on whether to stay alone... or if we was going to make the choice to let someone help him.
    After a few minutes went by, I heard the sound of footsteps coming to the door. They sounded a lot heavier than a normal person's because Gonta was a bigger guy. He was very muscular and tall. It was no surprise that his footsteps would be louder. Soon enough, the footsteps ceased, and the door slowly creaked open.
    Gonta was looking down at me, his form towering over me. He didn't carry a fierce gaze however. His eyes were puffy and red through his glasses. There were clear orbs in his eyes, making it obvious that he was crying. That wasn't the only thing I saw however... Gonta had visible bags underneath his eyes, and that made it obvious to me that Gonta didn't get much sleep. I could feel my heart tug slightly seeing him in this state. I didn't want to see a nice person like Gonta suffering like this. It was awful seeing that.
    "Gonta..." I muttered with a saddened tone.
    Gonta didn't reply. All he did was move aside, motioning me to come in. I walked into his room with a saddened look on my face as I was thinking about how he looked. Gonta looked miserable... Gonta saw that I walked in, so he followed behind, shutting his door before following me. I slowly sat on his bed, waiting for him to join me. He then sat on the bed, causing my body to move slightly from the force. A few moments of silence went by after that.
    "Why (y/n) want to talk to Gonta...?" Gonta asked, "Why (y/n) care about Gonta after Gonta tried hurting Miu...?"
"It's not only me who's concerned about you Gonta..." I muttered in response, "everyone is worried about you."
Gonta seemed shocked after I said that. His eyes were widened as tears streamed down his face. He hiccuped slightly, letting out a few small sobs that made my heart snap in two.
"B-But why...?" Gonta asked, his voice almost barely audible, "Gonta hurt Miu. Gonta hurt friends... Gonta is terrible person for hurting friends. Gonta can forget about being gentleman... Gonta is nowhere close..."
"Gonta, that's not true," I told him, "even though you forgot what happened yesterday, there is something you should understand. You attempted this to save everyone. You attempted to murder to try and keep everyone from being in the pits of despair. Gonta, even though you realize what happened. Look at Kirumi... Look at Angie. They both have tried to murder, but we all gave them a second chance. You are no exception. You've been nothing but kind to everyone. You say you aren't a gentleman, but you are... you are one of the most selfless ones in our group, and I'm happy to be your friend. Everyone else feels the same way too. They want you to join our investigation of the new area."
"B-But," Gonta tried to stutter out, "but Gonta did terrible things. Gonta not even hurt insect, but he hurt one of his friends..."
"Gonta, Miu told me that she was going to forgive you," I told him, "it's obvious you were dealing with all of these emotions by yourself. That reminds me of myself before I met all of you. It breaks my heart to see you suffering like this, and I'm sure it breaks the others' hearts as well. I don't want you to go through this alone. You are always so strong and caring. Please remember that... you are the sweetest person."
After that, Gonta did something that I did in the past, and sometimes in the present. He let the wall holding the rest of his feelings break loose, causing him to break down. The intimidating soft boy was crying into his hands, sobbing loudly. I placed my hand on his back, rubbing his back, trying to ease him to let his emotions out. This whole situation reminded me of when Rantaro would comfort me, but this time... I was trying to make someone feel better.
"Cry as long as you need to Gonta," I told him, "I'll be there to support you until you're ready to join everyone else by my side as my friend."
    "Gonta still feels like horrible person," Gonta sobbed, "Gonta doesn't want to lose friends, but Gonta can't face friends after what Gonta did..."
    "Gonta, you haven't lost any of your friends," I told him, "you aren't a horrible person. You are far from it. Everyone sees that, and they are worried. Losing friends is the fear I have too, but I can assure you that it won't happen."
    Gonta continued to cry, letting all of his emotions out. I continued giving him words of support as I rubbed his back to ease the pain he held in his heart from the events that transpired yesterday. The one thing I didn't want to bring up to Gonta however... was how Kokichi acted yesterday. It was terrifying to everyone.
Kokichi turned his back on Gonta... he used him. That was why he showed his true words after Gonta left yesterday. I was angry with Kokichi for what he pulled, but I was also scared. Kokichi was manipulative to his core, and he used Gonta to try and hurt Miu.
The fact was... I didn't want to tell Gonta what Kokichi said about him yet. Those words that I heard Kokichi say would make Gonta even more upset. I didn't want to do that to him when he was already so upset with what went down.
"G-Gonta thank (y/n)," Gonta sobbed, "Gonta feel better because friends are concerned about Gonta... Gonta still feel like horrible person though."
"Gonta, regain your confidence!" I told him, "you are too good of a person, and everyone sees that. Please have confidence that you are strong, as well as good willed."
    In response to those words, Gonta seemed to wipe his eyes, bringing a sad smile that adorned his lips. I felt my heart tug slightly in response to that smile. Gonta was still sad, but I couldn't tell if he was starting to feel better, or if he was just getting even more sad.
    A few moments later, something shocking happened. I was looking at Gonta, rubbing his back to make sure he was okay, but then I felt his arms wrap around me. I didn't think he was doing it in any sort of romantic way. Gonta was going through so much that he probably needed someone to latch onto.
    During the moment Gonta hugged me in a platonic way, I thought he was going to crush me somehow, because Gonta was freakishly strong. That wasn't the case however. He was gently hugging me, and he was sobbing into my shoulder.
    I decided to wrap my arms as much as I could around Gonta. I felt a familiar feeling as this was happening. Rantaro normally hugged me while I cried into his chest, but now the roles were reversed somehow, and there was a different person. This wasn't something romantic though. A lot of friends hug each other platonically, as well as to support them in their time of need. That's what I was doing.
    "Gonta don't know what he do to deserve friends..." Gonta cried, "Gonta is blessed... Gonta is blessed to have good friends... Gonta i-is happy friends don't hate him... Gonta feels happy that friends still trust Gonta."
"You deserve to be trusted, Gonta," I told him, "you didn't attempt what you did out of malice. You did it to protect everyone. In other words, your conviction was similar to Kaede. How could we be angry with you for that?"
Time went by as Gonta slowly calmed himself down. He was still crying, but slowly it was ceasing. Similar to me after I was calmed down, after awhile, the tears just stopped. The same happened with Gonta. I knew the others were patiently awaiting my return with Gonta, but I had to make sure he was comfortable with coming to investigate with us.
As soon as Gonta stopped crying, he released me from the hug he had me in. I could see that his tears were gone, and in place of those tears was a small smile. I could feel myself smile back in response to that. It felt nice to be able to help him and support him. I felt happy knowing I could help and support others.
"Gonta feel a lot better now," Gonta told me, "Gonta thinks he is ready to see friends. Gonta knows friends don't hate him, but Gonta still wants to apologize."
"Don't worry, Gonta," I told him, "everyone is waiting for us to come back. They already forgave you."
"If that is not lie, then Gonta and (y/n) should go to friends," Gonta replied, "are friends in dining hall? If so, Gonta and friend need to go."
I nodded lightly in response to that. I hopped up from Gonta's bed, and Gonta did the same thing once he saw I was off of the bed. I walked to the exit of his room, opening the door that led to the walking area of the dorms. I held the door open so Gonta could walk out, and he did.
We walked to the exit of the dormitory, and I did the same thing, holding the door open so Gonta could walk out. As soon as he did, I followed, and we walked through the courtyard to get to the dining hall. I led Gonta to the outdoor entrance that was a shorter distance away than the entrance from the inside of the school.
I held the door open, and Gonta walked into the dining hall. I followed after, and our entrance to the dining hall silenced the chatter going on in the dinning hall. Everyone gazed at Gonta and I. It was silent, but I could see the smiles form on everyone's faces, including Rantaro. Kokichi and Kiyo were still not in the dining hall as well.
"Hey, I brought Gonta," I said with a small smile.
"Gonta is sorry for hurting friends," Gonta said, "Gonta is sorry he hurt Miu. (y/n) told Gonta that friends still trusted him, and Gonta feels stronger because of that."
"Quit fuckin' apologizing!" Miu exclaimed, "if I fuckin' forgive you for what happened, then everyone else does too! It's not your fault that psycho manipulated you!"
    "Miu, why don't you ease up on the language, yeah?" Rantaro asked, "in any case though, she is right. All of us care."
    "In any case," Kirumi said, "I was given a second chance after what I did. The same goes for you, Gonta."
     "Gonta, you are always like a big, soft, teddy bear!" Kaede exclaimed, "you always want to be there for everyone, so please know we are telling the truth."
    Gonta was smiling in response to all of the words of kindness he was getting from everyone. Even Tenko, who was known to hate men was concerned about Gonta, and she even cared. Everyone was so happy to see him, and Gonta was happy to see them. I thought it was pretty amazing.
     "Now that you're here, Gonta, we were planning on investigating the new areas using two new keys," Ryoma explained, "would you be interested in tagging along?"
    "Gonta will help," Gonta replied, "Gonta want to help friends. Gonta not want to hurt friends."
    I felt very happy. Gonta was going to help us investigate. It seemed that Gonta was a lot happier after I talked to him, and that was just what I wanted. I wanted Gonta to feel better, and he was. Now, it was time to investigate the new areas of the school.
    "Now that Gonta's with us, we can find out the mystery of the academy!" Kaito shouted.
    "Don't worry, Kaito," I replied, "I'm sure we will find out the mystery somehow."
    Kaito seemed to once again avoid my eyes sight as I responded to him. In all honesty, Kaito was avoiding me, and I didn't know why. He was also acting this way around Shuichi, which was also very strange. I didn't know what I did to invoke this behavior, but I knew it was something about me.
    Shuichi had the keys in the palms of his hands. I was in the same group I was usually in. Kaede, Shuichi, Rantaro, Kirumi, and usually Kaito as well. I found myself wondering where the keys went, and a thought occurred to me.
    "What if that older looking key unlocks something on the fifth floor?" I asked, "while I was up there, I did see an old looking door, so maybe the key unlocks that."
    "Good thinking, (y/n)!" Kaede exclaimed, "we should head up to the fifth floor then."
    It felt as if everyone in my group was agreeing with my statement. I honestly wondered what that older looking key would unlock. Part of me had a weird feeling about what would be behind that older looking door on the fifth floor. I guess there was one way to find out in a situation like this. That one way to find out would be to investigate whatever we haven't found up there.
    There were a few students who's labs weren't found yet. There was Kokichi, Kaito, and Rantaro. Everyone else had their labs, and they were able to use them to their deepest desires. I was no exception, considering I watched a lot of anime with Rantaro in my lab. I was honestly hoping that Rantaro would be able to find his lab somehow. I wished the same for Kaito as well.
The only way we would find out whatever we would unlock today would be investigating. That was the only way we could find out what areas were now open for us to explore. I honestly felt a lot better being able to have Gonta with us. So much has happened, and all I wanted was for everyone to be happy.
"I think starting on the fifth floor is a good option," Kirumi mused, "we can work our way down from there, and if there is something we just unlock outside, we will be right near the outside entrance to the dining hall. If one of us finds the Flashback Light, we can meet there to use it."
That was my plan. Kirumi seemed to notice that after we decided that going to the fifth floor would be out first destination. I honestly felt like starting from the top, and then working our way down would be a lot easier. Everyone in our group agreed with the statement Kirumi gave.
"We should probably head up there now," Rantaro told me, "shall we, princess?"
Rantaro extended his hand towards me after he said that. I took his hand, and after that... we were off. We all traveled through the second floor, the third floor, and then the fourth. There was small discussions happening as this happened, and I was talking with Rantaro as we walked through the floors. I tried to keep myself busy talking while I'm the fourth floor in order to keep myself from reliving the memories that happened there.
Soon enough, we made it to the fifth floor. I could see the Monokuma statues in their extravagant matter, also towering over us. We managed to make our way to the area where both Shuichi and Tsumugi's labs were, and in the midst of that, there was a very extravagant door.
The door had a lock on it that was meant for a key. If I was right about this, then the older looking key would go to this door. I turned over to Shuichi who still had the keys.
"Hey, can I see the older looking key?" I asked.
"Y-Yeah, sure," Shuichi responded.
Shuichi handed me the older looking key. I walked up to the door, putting the key in the lock. The key seemed to fit, but it wouldn't turn. Clicking was heard as I did this, but a new sound started to ring in my ears after that.
It was a ticking sound. The door was beeping... if the door was beeping, then... I found myself sensing danger, telling everyone to get back. I backed away with everyone else to a safe distance from the door. As soon as I did that, a few seconds went by before the door exploded into many pieces. It was shocking to me, as the door exploded, some of the pieces almost hitting us.
After the explosion ceased, I walked up to what was remaining of the door that exploded. What was left on the other side, was a new door, something smaller. There was red and black on the door, and there was what looked like silhouettes of weapons and blood on the door. I had no idea what this meant. If this was an Ultimate Lab, then it wouldn't be Kaito or Kokichi's... that left one possibility.
"Rantaro..." I muttered, "I think this is your lab..."

Hello all! I'm here with another update today! I think we all knew this one was coming! Gonta was upset at himself for what he attempted, so the lovable teddy bear needed some cheering up.

We are starting to get into chapter five, and it's going to be a bumpy ride. If you all were also wondering, school is going very well for me right now! I hope whoever is in school is having a great time as well!

In any case though, I hope this chapter was worth the wait! I'll see you all next week! Ciao!- yuki_no_fuyu

It All Started By One Single Tear (Rantaro x reader x YandereMastermind Kokichi)Where stories live. Discover now