Chapter twenty six.

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I skipped all the way back to the car waving my phone in the air

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I skipped all the way back to the car waving my phone in the air. Thankfully no cracks when I dropped it. Almost got shot getting it but totally worth it. Plus Alex is here so he'll be able to match me right up. Speaking of Alex I reached the car. I looked around before picking up the car keys.

"Alex? Alexander!" I scream leaving the car behind. No one was in the parking lock. The school was on lock down. Alex was no where to be seen. I walked back to the car opening up the driver side door. Seating myself down I lay my head on the stirring wheel. Where is he?

I jumped up at the feeling of being shocked. Looking down at my snake ring. The snakes eyes were glowing red. He tapped three times. Shit what does that mean? Think Alexandra.

BING GO! Kidnapped. Kidnapped? Wouldn't that the teen napping? Nah, that's lame. Drina napping would be better. Dang I'm clever.

I tapped on it four times letting him know I know. He's gonna be fine. Other than the fact if he has a panic attack no one will be able to calm him down besides me. Not to mention the fact he can't sleep without me around.

I'm gonna cry. What if I don't make it to him? Shit we have so many enemies. If they touch him I'm killing everyone and their fucking mother's. Alex I'm coming.

Running inside the house ignoring Julio's screams for me to stop

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Running inside the house ignoring Julio's screams for me to stop. I need my expensive knives. The sharpest knives I have. All I need to do is call Rafael and get him to call our tech guy. I need Alex's location. To calm me down.

Actually I'm gonna go on a killing spring. Which will only lead to thousands of deaths. Maybe I could beat my old high school. Two hundred deaths in one day. All cause I couldn't find my shoes and I was pissed. To be fair I was ten. Only a child, so I didn't understand how to handle my anger and frustration. So I killed.

"Alexandra where are your siblings?" Julio asks leaning against the door frame. His face was serious and mean looking. I would have laughed if I wasn't so worried. Alex knows how to take care of himself physically not mentally.

"I don't know probably still on lock down at their school and I need to leave I most likely won't be back and probably in a different country" I rambled throwing the bag with all my knives and Alex's guns over my shoulder.

Rafael has all the extra shit. Along with my wigs, makeup, clothes. I strictly only use for missions. Julio lightly pushed me back into the room shaking his head with his arms crossed.

"You aren't going anywhere I'm your father and I have full custody" he explained . I'm gonna kill him. I raised my eyebrow.

"Move or I'm slicing your fucking throat and stealing your car" I included the last part, cause I am stealing his car either way. If he's alive or dead. One car coming with me. Well up into I get on top my plane. Alex life is in my hands.

"Don't threaten your father Alexandra!" He rasped out. I rolled my eyes pushing him with all my strength out of my way. Rushing down the stairs not even bothering to answer or stop for him.

"If you walk out of the door-" I didn't even hear the last part since I slammed the door on my way out. Alexander more important than his 'daddy' feelings. 

I coughed up blood as 'bob' punches me again

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I coughed up blood as 'bob' punches me again. My hands were tied behind my back. They even tied up my legs together. I fell on the floor laughing. My face and stomach hurts so much.

I should change bob name into jackass. I'm not even sure what his real name is. All I know is he has a good punch. That shit hurts more than stubbing my toe. Actually that hurts way more.

He grumble as he threw a chair right in front of me sitting himself down. I pulled myself up leaning against the wall. Giving him a bloody smile. Sloppy smile of course my speciality.

"Look kid hurting you doesn't bring me joy but the boss wants you in pain. I can't have you laughing when he comes" bob justified running his fingers through his hair. I spit out some blood before nodding my head chuckling.

"I laugh for everything" I choke out. Damn why is my mouth bleeding so much? Shit. I continued to cough, each time with more blood.

"See now that's a problem" he confirms. I wonder if he knows him kidnapping me was a threat to my mafia. The Spanish mafia. What am I the first or second biggest mafia? Can't remember. The taste of my own blood on my tongue keeps distracting me. 

Jesus now I feel bad for anyone I have beaten up. Blood taste nasty. Eh, who am I kidding I don't feel bad what so ever. I'm hungry. My tongue needs some food badly.

"How about this you get me a chess burger and I'll fake cry" I try to make a deal giving him a smirk. Bob shook his head almost laughing.

"Kid your funny I like that about you but you see the boss hates you and if he found a McDonald's cheese burger wrapper he would kill me and you" bob pointed out. 

"We'll throw it away dummy" I grinned. Bob rolled his eyes. The door swung open making bob jump out of his chair. He mouthed 'sorry' before kicking me in my side over and over.  Screaming insults at me left through right.

"Alright Thomas get out he's mine" the male voice booms through out the room. I know that voice. Dear god Alexandra come save me. Please. I felt my tears fill my eyes. Please hurry.

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